لۆگۆی یوڤێرژن
ئایکۆنی گەڕان

Luke 4

Tempit by Sautan — Lichtlied by his neebors — but testifyʼt till by his warks!
1And Jesus, fuʼ oʼ the Holie Spirit, cam again frae the Jordan, and was led to the wilderness by the Spirit, forty days.
2Bein tempit by Sautan. And naething did he eat iʼ thae days; and eftir, he was hungerin.
3And the deevil said to him, “Gin ye be Godʼs Son, speak to this stane, that it may turn to a bannock!”
4And Jesus made answer to him, “It is putten‐doon, ‘Man leeves‐na on breid alane, but on ilka word oʼ God!’ ”
5And he led him up, and pointit oot till him aʼ the kingdoms oʼ the yirth, in a moment oʼ time.
6And the deevil says to him, “To thee wull I gie aʼ this rule — aʼthegither — and the glorie (for it has been gien up to me; and I gie it till wham I wull).
7“Gin aiblins thou worship me, aʼ sal be thine!”
8And makin answer to him, Jesus says, “It is putten‐doon, ‘Ye sal worship the Lord yere God, and to him alane sal ye do service!”
9And he led him to Jerusalem, and set him on a towerickie oʼ the Temple, and says to him, “Lout yersel doon;
10“For it is putten‐doon, ‘He sal gie his Angels chairge ower ye, to defend ye;
11“ ‘And iʼ their hauns sal they uphaud ye, that ye ding‐na yere fit on a stane!’ ”
12And answerin, quoʼ Jesus to him, “It is said, ‘Ye sanna temp’ the Lord yere God!’ ”
13And, endinʼ aʼ his temptations, the deevil depairtit frae him till anither time.
14And Jesus came back iʼ the Spiritʼs pooer to Galilee; and a din gaed oot aboot him aʼ throwe the hail kintra rounʼ.
15And he was teachin iʼ their kirks, bein mickle thocht oʼ by them aʼ.
16And he cam intil Nazareth, whaur he had been brocht up; and gaed in, as he aye did, to the kirk, on the Sabbath day, and stude up to read;
17And thar was gien to him the buik oʼ Esaiah the Prophet; and openin the buik, he faund whaur it was putten‐doon,
18“The Spirit oʼ the Lord is on me, for that he has anointit me to preach gude tidins to the puir; he has sent me to tell oot their release to the prisoners, and to the blinʼ receivin oʼ sicht; to send awa free thae that war wranged.
19“To soond oot the blessed day oʼ the Lord!”
20And closin the buik, he gied it again to the beadle, and sat doon; and aʼ een iʼ the kirk war on him.
21And he begude to say to them, “This day is this writin come to pass iʼ yere hearin!”
22And aʼ war witnesses to him, and ferlyin at the words oʼ grace faʼin frae his mouʼ; and war sayin, “Isna this Josephʼs son?”
23And he says to them, “Ye wull, oʼ a surety say to me, ‘Physician, heal yersel! As mony things as we heard oʼ bein dune at Capernaum, do here as weel, iʼ yere ain kintra‐side!’ ”
24And quoʼ he, “Truly say I tʼye, nae prophet is honored in his ain kintra‐side!”
25“But truly I tell ye, thar war mony weedows in Israʼl iʼ the days oʼ Elijah, whan the heevens war steekit thrie year and sax months; and a great dearth cam on aʼ the lanʼ.
26“And to nane oʼ them was Elijah sent, but only until Sarepta oʼ Sidon, to a wumman, a weedow.
27“And thar war mony lepers in Israʼl, iʼ the time oʼ Elisha the prophet; and no ane oʼ them was made clean but Naaman the Syrian.”
28And aʼ iʼ the kirk war fuʼ oʼ rage, when they heard thir things;
29And they raise up to cuist him oot oʼ the citie; and they led him till the brow oʼ the hill on whilk their citie was biggit, that he micht be cuisten doon heidlang.
30But he, gangin oot throwe amang them, gaed his ways.
31And he cam doon till Capernaum, a citie oʼ Galilee, and was teachin them on the Sabbath‐days;
32And they war astonishʼt at his teachin; for his word cam wiʼ pooer.
33And iʼ the kirk was a man wiʼ a foul spirit; and he cryʼt oot wiʼ a great voice,
34Sayin, “Lat us be! What is thar atween us and thee, Jesus oʼ Nazareth? Are ye come to destroy us? I ken ye — the Holie Ane oʼ God!”
35And Jesus challenged him, “Peace! And come ye oot oʼ him!” And whan the demon had thrawn him doon, he cam oot oʼ him, doin him nae ill.
36And astonishment cam on them. And they war sayin ane to anither, “Whatna word is this, that wiʼ authoritie and pooer he gies orders to foul spirits, and they come oot?”
37And thar was gaun forth a great clash anent him, intil ilka place oʼ the kintra‐side.
38And, risin frae the kirk, he entered intil Simonʼs hoose. Noo Simonʼs gude‐mither was in sair pyne wiʼ a great fivver. And they spak to him for her.
39And, staunin ower her, he rebukit the fivver, and it gaed frae her; and she raise, and waitit on them.
40And whan the sun was#4:40 The Jews war unco particular aboot the Sabbath; and the holie day noo endin, they brocht oot their sick anes for healin. But gin God wad heal me — body or saul — ony day oʼ the week, lat me be ready to come, and to bring ithers! settin aʼ the folk, as mony as had sick anes wiʼ ony kind oʼ illness, brocht them till him, and he laid hauns on them, and healed them.
41And the demons too war gaun forth oʼ mony — cryin oot and sayin, “Ye are the Son oʼ God!” And he rebukit them; and allowʼt‐them‐na to speak; for they kent he was the Messiah.
42And whan it was day, he gaed oot and journeyʼd intil a desert bit; and the thrangs cam eftir him, and held him back, that he soudna gang frae them.
43But he said to them, “Till ither cities, as weel, maun I gie the Gude‐tidins anent the Kingdom oʼ God, for for that was I sent.”
44And he was haudin forth iʼ the kirks oʼ Galilee.

دیاریکراوەکانی ئێستا:

Luke 4: SCO1904


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