Luke 2
Jesus, till he was thretty years oʼ age.
1Noo iʼ thae days it cam aboot thar gaed oot a decree frae Cesar Augustus that aʼ the inhabiters oʼ his dominions soud be enrolled.
2And this enrollment was made whan Quirinius was Governor in Syria.
3And aʼ war gaun to be enrolled, ilk ane to his ain citie.
4And Joseph, as weel, gaed up frae Galilee, oot oʼ the citie oʼ Nazareth, intil Judea, intil Dauvidʼs citie, whilk is caʼd Bethlehem; for that he was oʼ the hoose and stock oʼ Dauvid:
5To be enrolled, wiʼ Mary his betrothed wife, wha was a mither‐to‐be.
6And sae it was, that while they war thar, the days war fulfilled for her to bring forth.
7And she brocht forth her son — her first‐born — and rowʼt him in a barrie‐coat, and laid him iʼ the manger, for that there was nae room for them iʼ the inn.
8And thar war in the same kintra side herds bidin iʼ the fields, and keepin gaird ower their flocks by nicht.
9And see! an Angel oʼ the Lord cam till them, and the glorie oʼ the Lord glintit roond aboot them; and they war sair gliffʼd.
10And the Angel said, “Be‐na gliffʼd; for I bring ye gude tidins oʼ muckle joy to the hail warld!
11“For thar is born tʼye this day, in Dauvidʼs toun, a Saviour, wha is the Anointit Lord.
12“And here is the token for ye: yeʼse finʼ the bairn rowʼt in a barrie‐coat, lyin in a manger.”
13And aʼ at ance there was wiʼ the Angel a thrang oʼ Heevenʼs host, praisin God, and sayin,
14“Glorie to God iʼ the heighest heights, and on the yirth peace! Gude wull to men!”
15And as the Angels gaed awa frae them to Heeven, the shepherds said one to anither, “Let us gang noo to Bethlehem, and see this thing that has come aboot, that the Lord has made kent to us!”
16And they gaed, makin haste, and fund Mary, and Joseph, and the bairn lyin in a manger.
17And whan they saw it, they tauld abreid the words that war tellʼt to them anent this bairn.
18And aʼ that heard it ferlied at the things tauld them by the shepherds.
19But Mary keepit aʼ thae things, pondering on them in her heart.
20And the shepherds returned, giean glorie to God, for aʼ thae things they saw and heard; eʼen as it was tellʼt them.
21And whan the auchth day was come for the circumceesion oʼ the bairn, his name they caʼd JESUS, whilk was sae caʼd by the Angel ʼor he was conceivʼt iʼ the womb.
22And whan the days oʼ purification by the law oʼ Moses war fulfilled, they took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord;
23Eʼen as it is putten‐doon iʼ the law oʼ the Lord, “Ilka male that opes a womb sal be caʼd holie to the Lord.”
24And to offer an offeran, as it is putten‐doon iʼ the law oʼ the Lord, “A pair oʼ cushats, or twa young doos.”
25And mark! thar was a man iʼ Jerusalem, whase name was Simeon; and this man was holie and devout, lookinʼ for Israʼlʼs consolation. And the Holie Spirit was on him.
26And the Holie Spirit had made kent to him that he soudna see death till he had seen the Anointit oʼ the Lord.
27And he cam iʼ the Spirit, intil the Temple; and whan the parents brocht in the bairn Jesus, to do for him what was the custom oʼ the Law,
28He took him in his airms, and praised God, and said,
29“Noo, wull thou dismiss thy servant, O Lord! conform to thy word, in peace!
30“For my een hae seen thy salvation,
31“Whilk thou hast brocht forrit afore the face oʼ aʼ folk.
32“A licht for unveilin to the Gentiles, and a glorie for thy folk oʼ Israʼl!”
33And Joseph and his mither ferlied at aʼ the things that war said anent him.
34And Simeon blessʼt them, and said to Mary his mither, “Lo! this Ane is set for the faʼin and staunin again oʼ mony in Israʼl: and for a sign to be miscaʼd.
35“And a sword sal thring throwe yere ain heart as weel, that the thochts oʼ mony hearts may be schawn.”
36“And thar was ane Anna, a prophetess, Phanuelʼs dochter, oʼ the tribe oʼ Asher; she was oʼ an unco age, and had leevʼd wiʼ a husband seeven year frae her maidenhood:
37And she bade a weedow for four‐score and four year, wha left‐na the Temple; and serʼt wiʼ fastins and prayers nicht and day:
38And she too comin in at that time gied thanks to God; and spak oʼ him to aʼ wha war waitin for the deliverin oʼ Jerusalem.
39And whan they had dune aʼ things conform to the law oʼ the Lord, they gaed awa intil Galilee, to their ain citie Nazareth.
40And the bairn grew, and waxʼt strang; fuʼ oʼ wisdom; and Godʼs tender favor was wiʼ him.
41Noo his parents gaed yearly to Jerusalem, at the Feast oʼ the Pasche.
42And whan he was twal‐year auld, they gaed up to Jerusalem, as was the mainner oʼ the Feast.
43And whan they had fulfilled the days, they returned; but the lad Jesus remained ahint in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mither kent‐na.
44But, supposin him to be wiʼ the ithers oʼ the company, gaed a dayʼs journey, and they socht him amang their kin and acquaintance.
45And whan they faund‐him‐na, they gaed back to Jerusalem again, seekin him.
46And eftir thrie days they faund him iʼ the Temple, sittin wiʼ the Doctors, baith hearin them and speirin quaistens at them.
47And aʼ that heard him war astonished ayont aʼ things at his wisdom and his sayins.
48And seein him, they ferlied uncolie; and his mother says to him, “Son, why hae ye dune this till us? See! yere faither and I hae lookit for ye in pain!”
49And he said, “Hoo isʼt that ye socht for me? Wist‐ye‐na, I maun needs be iʼ my Faitherʼs hoose?”
50And they kent‐na the meanin oʼ what he spak to them.
51And he gaed doon wiʼ them, and cam till Nazareth, and obeyʼt them; but his mither laid#2:51 What coud Maryʼs thochts be, aʼ thae years. She aiblins didna come to the fuʼ licht, till aboot the time oʼ his death. And hoo did Luke ken sae mickle aboot her ponderins oʼ heart? Nae doot, frae hersel, in eftir days. up aʼ thae things in her heart.
52And Jesus waxʼt in wyssheid, and in stature, and in favor wiʼ God and wiʼ man.
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Luke 2: SCO1904
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.