Luke 10
The preaching oʼ the Seeventy. The man in sair fettle, and wha befreendit him.
1And, eftir thir things, the Lord took seeventy mair, as weel, and sent them oot, twa by twa, afore his face, intil ilka toon and place whaur he wad come his sel.
2And he was sayin to them, “The hairst is unco great, but the work‐folk are few: entreat ye than oʼ the Lord oʼ the hairst, that he may press work‐folk intil his hairst.
3“Gang ye! See, I am sendin ye oot as lambs amang the wolves.
4“Cairry‐na purse, nor wallet, nor shoon; and dinna be salutin ony as ye gang.
5“And intil whatsae hoose ye gang, say ye first, ‘Peace be to this hoose!’
6“And gin the Son oʼ peace bide yonner, yere ain peace sal licht upon it; but gin it be‐na sae, yeʼse hae yere ain peace again!
7“And bide ye iʼ the same hoose, eatin and drinkin what they hae by them, for the laborer maun hae his fee. Flit‐na frae hoose to hoose.
8“And whatna toon ye enter in, and they mak ye welcome, eat what is set afore ye,
9“And heal the sick thar‐in, sayin till them, ‘The Kingdom oʼ God is come nar tʼye!’
10“But whaureʼer ye gang intil a toon, and they winna tak ye in, gang ye oot intil the highways oʼt, sayin,
11“ ‘Eʼen the stour oʼ yere toon on oor shoon we dicht aff for ye! but, tak tent! Godʼs kingdom has come nar‐haund ye!’
12“I say tʼye, that for them oʼ Sodom, iʼ that day, it sal be better than for yon toon!
13“Wae for ye, Chorazin! Wae for ye, Bethsaida! for gin Tyre and Sidon had seen the warks oʼ pooer that had been dune in you, they wad langayne repentit, sittin in tow‐claith and assis.
14“But it sal be better for Tyre and Sidon at the Judgment nor for you!
15“And ye, Capernaum! Are ye heizʼt up to heaven! doon to hell sal ye be cuisten!
16“Wha is hearin you is hearin me; and wha is gangin you by, is gangin me by; and wha is gangin me by, is gangin‐by him that sent me oot.”
17And the Seeventy blythely returned,#10:17 We jalouse they warna lang gane; but weʼre no tellʼt. It was a graun beginnin oʼ their eftir wark! sayin, “Lord! eʼen the demons gie in to us, iʼ thy name!”
18And he said to them, “I was lookin at Sautin, as like a fire‐flaucht he fell frae Heeven!
19“Behauld! I hae giʼen tʼye richt to tramp on serpents and scorpions, and on aʼ the pooer oʼ the enemie; and naething sal in onygate skaith ye.
20“Yet, be‐na blythe for this, that the demons are giean‐in to ye, but be ye blythe that yere names are putten doon Aboon!”
21In that vera ʼoor joyʼd he iʼ the Holie Spirit, and said, “I own to thee, Lord oʼ Heeven and Yirth, that thou did hide thir things frae the wyss and the discernin, and did mak them plain to the bairn‐like! Eʼen sae, my Faither! for sae it was weel iʼ thy sicht!
22“To me are deliverʼt up aʼ things oʼ my Faither; and nane comes to ken wha the Son is, only the Faither; and wha the Faither is, only the Son, and sic a ane as the Son may reveal him till.”
23And, turnin till his disciples, he says to them by their sels, “Happy the eʼen that see what your een see!
24“For, I say tʼye, Mony prophets and kings war fain to see what ye are seein, and did‐na see; and to hae heard what ye hear, and heard‐na!”
25And, now see! a Writer raise, tempin him, and sayin, “Maister! what maun I do that I may hae an everlastin inheritance?”
26And he said to him, “What has been putten‐doon iʼ the law? Hoo read ye?”
27And answerin, he said, “Ye sal loʼe the Lord yere God wiʼ yere hail heart, and wiʼ yere hail saul, and wiʼ yere hail pooer, and wiʼ a aefauld ettlin — and yere neebor like yersel!”
28And he said to him, “Truly hae ye said: do ye as weel, and yeʼse hae life!”
29But he, fain to mak himsel oot to be richt, speirʼt at Jesus, “Wha is my neebor?”
30And, takin it up, Jesus said, “Thar was a man gaun doon frae Jerusalem till Jericho, wha fell in wiʼ robbers; wha strippit him, and cloured and gashed him, and gaed their ways, leaʼin him nar deid.
31“And it cam aboot, that a certain priest cam doon that gate; and, lookin on him, gaed cannie by on the ither side.
32“And in siclike mainner a Levite as weel, comin doon till the place, and seeinʼt, slippit by on the far‐away side.
33“But a certain Samaria‐man, gaun on his journey, cam doon till him; and, lookin on him, was fuʼ oʼ compassion;
34“And comin nar, bund up his clours, teemin in ulyie and wine; and pittin him on his ain beasʼ, feshʼt him till the inn, and tentit him.
35“And on the morn, takin oot twa siller‐pennies, he gae them to the guidman, sayin, ‘Tak tent oʼ him weel! and whatna mair ye ware on him, whan I come back Iʼse pay ye.’
36“Noo, whilk ane oot oʼ thae three, think ye, made his sel neebor till him that fell in wiʼ the robbers?”
37And he says, “The ane that dealt in compassion wiʼ him!” And Jesus says to him, “Gang ye, and be doin siclike!”
38Noo, as they gaed on, he cam intil a certain toon; and a certain wumman named Martha bade him intil her hoose.
39And she had a sister caʼd Mary, wha was aye sittin nar‐by the feet oʼ Jesus, hearin his words.
40But Martha was unco pernickity aboot mickle service, and comin doon till him, quoʼ she, “Lord, div ye no heed that my sister leaʼs me to serʼ by my lane? Bid her that she help me!”
41But Jesus answers and says to her, “Martha! Martha! ye are put‐tillʼt, and fashed wiʼ a hantle oʼ things.
42“But thar is ae thing aye needit;#10:42 A clean heart is no to be trokit awa for a clean hoose; and Martha, aiblins, was in danger oʼt. Mary keepit the warldʼs cares at airmʼs length; they warna her maister. and Mary waled oot the gude pairt, and it isna to be taen awa frae her!”
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Luke 10: SCO1904
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.