لۆگۆی یوڤێرژن
ئایکۆنی گەڕان

John 5

Jesus at Bethesda. The Jews wad naither hae him heal nor preach: “Isʼt no the Sabbath?” quoʼ they.
1Eftir thir things thar cam a Feast oʼ the Jews; and Jesus gaed up till Jerusalem.
2Noo, in Jerusalem, by the sheep‐port is a pool caʼd (iʼ the Hebrew) Bethesda, and beside it fyve porticoes.
3In thae lay a hantle oʼ folk; sick, blinʼ, lameters, and dwined‐awa anes, waitin for the steerin oʼ the watir.
4For an angel (quoʼ they) gaed doon whiles intil the pool, and set the watir asteer; than whaever first stappit in was made hale oʼ his compleent.
5And a particular man thar had been helpless for aucht‐and‐thretty year.
6And Jesus seein him lyin, and kennin he had lang been sae, says to him, “Wad ye be made hale?”
7The feckless ane answert, “Sir, I hae nae ane to pit me in; but whan Iʼm ettlin to hirple doon, some ither ane staps in fore me!”
8Quoʼ Jesus to him, “Up#5:8 Tak tent hoo ready the Lord was to heal the body! Wasʼt no, pairtly, to schaw us that he was eʼen as ready to heal the saul!! tak up yere couch, and gang!”
9And at ance the man was made hale, and took up his couch, and walkit; and that vera day was the Sabbath‐day.
10Sae said the Jews to him wha was made hale, “This is the Sabbath‐day! itʼs no allooed for ye to be carryin yere couch!”
11He answerʼt them, “The ane that made me hale, he orderʼt me, ‘Tak up yere couch, and gang!’ ”
12Than speirʼt they at him, “Wha wasʼt that said tʼye, ‘Tak up yere couch and gang?’ ”
13And he wha was made hale kent‐na wha it was; for Jesus had withdrawn his sel, a great thrang bein aboot.
14Syne Jesus, lichtin on him iʼ the Temple, says to him, “See, ye are made hale; sin nae mair, that something waur come‐na tʼye!”
15The man gaed awa, and tellʼt the Jews it was Jesus wha made him hale.
16Sae the Jews persecutit Jesus, and wad fain hae killʼt him, for doin thir things on the Sabbath‐day.
17But Jesus answerʼt them, “My Faither works eʼen till noo, and I too work.”
18Sae the Jews ettlʼt mair and mair to kill him: for he hadna only broken the Sabbath (quoʼ they) but mair — had said that God was his Faither, makin his sel Godʼs marrow.
19Than said Jesus to them, “Truly, truly say I tʼye, The Son dis naething oʼ his sel allenarlie, but sic as he sees the Faither do: for siclike things the Faither dis, thae also dis the Son as weel.
20“For the Faither loʼes the Son, and schaws till him aʼ things he dis his sel: and greater warks than thir wull he schaw him, that ye may ferlie.
21“For eʼen as the Faither feshes up the deid, and gies life to them, sae sal the Son gie life to wham he wull.
22“For the Faither judges nae man, but has gien ower aʼ Judgment to the Son;
23“Sae that aʼ men soud gie honor to the Son, eʼen as they gie honor to the Faither.
24“Truly, truly say I tʼye, The man wha hears my word, and lippens on him wha sent me, has Life for Aye, and comes‐na intil condemnation; but he is come oot oʼ death intil Life.
25“Truly, truly say I tʼye, The ʼoor is comin, and eʼen noo is, whan the deid sal hear the voice oʼ the Son oʼ God, and they wha hear sal leeve!
26“For eʼen as the Faither has life within his sel, sae has he giftit to the Son to hae life within HIS SEL!
27“And has gien to him pooer to gie judgment as weel, for that he is the Son oʼ Man.
28“Mak nae ferlie oʼ this; for the ʼoor is comin whan aʼ in their graves sal hear his voice,
29“And sal come forrit; thae wha hae weel dune, to the up‐risin oʼ Life: and they wha hae ill dune, to the up‐risin oʼ condemnation.
30“I can oʼ my ain sel, allenarlie, do naething; like as I hear, sae I judge; and my judgment is richtous; seein I seek‐na my ain wull, but the Faitherʼs wull wha sent me.
31“Gin I gie witness oʼ mysel, my witness needna be taʼen.
32“Thar is anither wha witnesses oʼ me; and I ken the witness he bears oʼ me is true.
33“Ye sent till John, and he bure witness to the Truth.
34“But I hae need oʼ manʼs testimonie; but thir things I say, that ye micht be saved.
35“He was a licht that lowed and glintit; and ye war fain for a wee to glorie in his licht.
36“But I hae greater witness than the like oʼ John; for the warks the Faither has gien me to do — the vera warks I do — bear me witness that the Faither has sent me.
37“And the Faither his sel wha sent me, has gien witness oʼ me. Ye nevir heard his voice, nor saw his form!
38“Naither hae ye his word abidin ye; for the Ane he has sent, him ye lippen‐na.
39“Ye seek in the Scripturs; for in them ye think ye hae Life for Aye: and it is eʼen thae that testify oʼ me.
40“And ye winna come to me that ye micht hae Life.
41“I receive‐na glorie frae men.
42“But I ken ye weel, that the love oʼ God is wantin in ye.
43“Here am I, come in my Faitherʼs name, and ye winna receive me: gin some ither soud come in his ain name, yeʼll receive him.
44“Hoo can ye believe, receivin glorie ane frae anither? and the glorie that comes frae the only God ye seek‐na!
45“Think‐na Iʼll wyte ye afore the Faither: tharʼs ane accusin ye, eʼen Moses, on wham ye lippen yersels.
46“For gin he had lippened Mosesʼ word, ye wad hae lippened me; for he wrate oʼ me.
47“But gin ye lippen‐na his words penned, hoo sal ye lippen my words spoken?”

دیاریکراوەکانی ئێستا:

John 5: SCO1904


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