لۆگۆی یوڤێرژن
ئایکۆنی گەڕان

John 15

The Vine‐stock and the branches. But lat ilka man tak tent, that the Vine‐stock looks mair for frute nor for leaves, on the branches!
1I am the richt Vine‐stock, and my Faither is the Dresser oʼ the Vine‐yaird.
2“Ilka branch in me that bears‐na frute he taks awa; and ilka ane bearin frute he prunes it, sae as it soud produce the mair.
3“Noo ye hae been sae pruned, by the word I hae spoken tʼye.
4“Bide in me, as I bide in you. The branch canna bear frute allenarlie; it maun bide in the Vine‐stock: nae mair may ye, gin ye bide‐na in me.
5“I am the Vine‐stock; ye are the Branches. He wha bides in me, and I bide in him, that man brings forth rowth oʼ frute: for wantin me ye naething can do.
6“Gin ony man #15:6 Tak tent here, hoo oor frutefulness afore God aʼ depends on bein in Christ! Wantin him, oor best warks are but like the pitifuʼ sproutinʼ oʼ the sinderʼt twig — sune to birsle up iʼ the sun!bide‐na in me, he is cuisten oot as a fushionless branch, and dwines awa; and folk soop them thegither, and set them alowe, and they are brunt.
7“But gin ye bide in me, and my words bide in you, ask ye what ye wad hae, and it sal be dune tʼye!
8“And this gate is my Faither made glorious — that ye dae bear rowth oʼ frute: sae are ye my disciples!
9“Eʼen as the Faither has loʼed me, sae eʼen hae I loʼed you: bide ye in my love.
10“And gin ye keep my commauns, ye sal bide in my love; eʼen as I, keepin my Faitherʼs commauns, bide aye in his love.
11“Thir things hae I said tʼye, sae as my joy sal bide wiʼ ye, and yere joy be fuʼ and skailin ower.
12“Here is my commaun — That ye loʼe ilk ither, eʼen as I loʼed you.
13“Nae man has evir mair love than this — to lay doon his life for his freends.
14“Noo ye are my freends, gin ye do my commauns.
15“And frae this oot, I dinna caʼ ye servants, for the servant kens‐na what the maister dis: but I hae caʼd ye ‘freends’; for aʼ that I hae heard frae my Faither I hae tellʼt you.
16“Ye hae‐na made wale oʼ me, but I hae made wale oʼ you, and made ye sterk; sae as ye soud gang and bring forth frute, and frute that sal bide: that aʼ things ye seek frae the Faither iʼ my name, he may gie ye.
17“Oʼ thir things I gie commaun — that ye loʼe ane anither.
18“And gin the warld be bitter again me, ye ken it hatit me first, afore you.
19“Gin ye war oʼ the warldʼs ain, the warld wad loʼe its ain; but — for that ye are‐na oʼ the warld, but waled by me oot oʼ the warld — sae the warld has ill‐wull tʼye.
20“Keep mind oʼ the word I gied ye, ‘The servant isna aboon the Maister!’ Gin they hae persecutit me, they wull eʼen persecute you; gin they mind my sayin, they wull mind yours.
21“But aʼ sic things wull they do tʼye for sake oʼ my name, eʼen for that they ken‐na him wha sent me.
22“And gin I hadna come and spoken to them, this sin hadna lain at their door: but noo they hae nae hap for their sin!
23“He wha ill‐wulls me, ill‐wulls my Faither as weel.
24“Gin I hadna dune iʼ their mids sic warks as nae ither man eʼer did, this sin hadna been theirʼs; but noo hae they baith seen and ill‐wulled me and my Faither.
25“But the word is come to pass whilk is putten doon iʼ their Law, ‘They ill‐wulled me, wantin a cause!’
26“But whan the Dear Freenʼ is come — him I send ye frae the Faither, the Spirit oʼ Truth, wha comes frae the Faither — eʼen he sal gie witness oʼ me.
27“And ye, as weel, sall gie witness; for that ye hae been wiʼ me frae the first.”

دیاریکراوەکانی ئێستا:

John 15: SCO1904


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