John 13
The hinmaist Supper wiʼ the Twalʼ. The fit‐weshin, the kindly talk, and the sorrowfuʼ treason.
1Noo, afore the Pasche, Jesus kennin that his ʼoor cam on, whan he soud gang oot frae this warld to the Faither — as he had loʼed his ain iʼ the warld, he loʼed them to the hinmaist.
2And the Supper gaun on, the Enemy haen noo putten intil the heart oʼ Judas Iscariot, Simonʼs son, to betray him —
3Jesus, kennin that the Faither had gien aʼ thing intil his hauns, and that frae God he cam, and to God was returnin,
4Gat up frae Supper, and lay doon his robes, and girded his sel wiʼ a tooel,
5And syne he teemed watir intil a basin, and begude to wesh the disciplesʼ feet, and to dight them wiʼ the tooel aboot him.
6And belyve he cam to Simon Peter: he says to him, “Lord! wad ye wesh my feet?”
7Jesus answerʼt to him, “Ye kenna e‐noo what I dae, but ye sal ken eftir.”
8Peter says, “Nevir, and in naegate, sal ye wesh my feet!” Jesus answerʼt him, “Gin I wesh‐ye‐na, ye hae nae pairt wiʼ me!”
9Simon Peter says to him, “Lord! no my feet, allenar, but my hauns and my heid as weel!”
10Jesus says to him, “Wha is clean, needs‐na but his feet weshʼt to be aʼ clean; and ye are clean — but no aʼ!”
11For he kent wha wad betray him; sae said he, “Ye arena aʼ clean.”
12Sae whan he had weshʼt their feet, and taʼen his robe to him, and taʼen his place again, he said to them, “Ken ye what I hae dune to ye?
13“Ye caʼ me ‘Maisterʼ and ‘Lord’; and ye say weel; for sae I am.
14“Gin I than, the Lord and the Maister, hae mysel weshʼt yere feet, ye soud be weshin ane anitherʼs feet.
15“For I hae sutten ye an example, to do as I hae dune tʼye.
16“Truly, truly say I tʼye, a servant isna aboon his maister, nor the ane that is sent oot as great as as the ane wha sends him.
17“Gin ye ken thir things, happy are ye to be doin them!
18“I speak‐na aboot ye aʼ; I ken wham I hae waled oot; but that the word soud come to pass, ‘He wha eats my breid lifts up his heel again me!’
19“And frae noo I am tellin ye aforehaun; sae whan it is come to pass, ye may believe I am he.
20“Truly, truly say I tʼye, Wha welcomes ony ane I send, welcomes me; and wha welcomes me, welcomes him that sent me.”
21Sayin thir things, Jesus was wrocht‐on in his spirit, and quoʼ he, “Truly, truly say I tʼye, Ane frae ʼmang yere sels sal betray me!”
22Than the disciples glowerʼt at ane anither, dootsome aboot wham he micht be speakin.
23Noo, leanin on Jesusʼ bosom, was ane oʼ his disciples, ane that Jesus loʼed.
24Simon Peter than raxes ower to him, and says, “Tell us wham he is speakin oʼ.”
25He, leanin back on Jesusʼ breist, says to him, “Lord! wha isʼt?”
26Jesus answerʼt him, “It is he to wham I sal dip the morsel, and gie it.” And he dippit the morsel, and gied it to Judas Iscariot, Simonʼs Son.
27And eftir the morsel, Sautan cam intil his heart. Than Jesus says to him, “Whateʼer ye dae, haste wiʼt.”
28Noo, nae man at the Supper kent what‐for he spak this to him.
29For some thocht, seein Judas bure the wallet, that Jesus had tellʼt him, “Buy what we need anent the Feast”; or that he was to gie to the puir.
30He than, receivin the morsel, syne gaed oot; and it was nicht.
31Sae, noo he was gane oot, Jesus says, “Noo the Son oʼ Man is glorifyʼt, and God glorifyʼt in him.
32“Gin God be glorifyʼt in him, God sal eʼen glorify him in himsel, and sal noo glorify him.
33“Bairns, I am wiʼ you but for a wee. Ye sal seek me, and, like as I tellʼt the Jews, sae speak I noo — Whaur I gang, ye canna come!
34“I gie ye a new commaun, ‘Ye sal loʼe ane‐anither; eʼen #13:34 The newness oʼ the commaun was, to loʼe ane anither as Christ had loʼed them! The Maisterʼs example is the strauchtest road we can tak to perfection! See his teachin oʼ humilitie, iʼ the fit‐weshin; v. 4– I hae loeʼd you, that ye soud loʼe ane‐anither!’
35“Sae sal aʼ folk ken ye are followers oʼ me, gin ye hae love to ane‐anither.”
36Simon Peter says to him, “Lord! whaur dae ye gang to?” Jesus answerʼt to him, “Whaur‐awa I gang, ye canna follow me e‐noo; but ye sal follow me eftir.”
37Quoʼ Peter to him, “Hoo isʼt I canna follow ye e‐noo? Iʼse lay doon my life for ye!”
38But Jesus answerʼt, “Wull ye lay doon yere life for me? Truly, truly say I tʼye, the cock craws‐na, till ye hae thrice disowned me!”
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John 13: SCO1904
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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.