Psalms 16

The Golden Secret
A precious song, engraved in gold, # 16 The Hebrew word used in the inscription is michtam. There are many variations of translation for this word. Here are the major ones: “golden,” “graven,” “a permanent writing,” “precious,” “hidden,” “a spiritual secret,” or “jewel.” The Septuagint renders this “a sculptured writing of gold”; other translations call it a “golden poem.” Perhaps the most accepted translation of michtam is “engraved in gold.” This speaks of the divine nature engraved into our hearts by the Word. A new humanity is now stamped with God-life, engraved in his golden glory. by David
My Protection
1Keep me safe, O mighty God.
I run to you, my safe place.
2I said to Yahweh,
“You are my Maker and my Master.
Any good thing you find in me has come from you.”
3And he said to me, “My holy lovers
in the land are my glorious ones,
who fulfill all my desires.”
4Yet there are those who yield to their weakness, # 16:4 As translated from the Septuagint.
and they will have troubles unending.
I never gather with such ones, # 16:4 As translated from the Septuagint.
nor give them honor in any way.
My Portion
5Yahweh, you alone are my inheritance.
You are my prize, my pleasure, and my portion.
You hold my destiny and its timing in your hands.
6Your pleasant path # 16:6 Or “boundary lines.” leads me to pleasant places.
I’m overwhelmed by the privileges
that come with following you!
My Praise
7The way you counsel me makes me praise you more,
for your whispers in the night give me wisdom,
showing me what to do next.
8Because I set # 16:8 The Hebrew word shava carries the sense of being equal or similar. David was not saying he was equal to Yahweh, but that he thought the way God thought. David had made his heart and mind to be identical with the heart and mind of God. Always before himself, before anything, were the desires of God. It was the heart and mind of God that had first place in David’s heart and thoughts. you, Yahweh, always close to me,
my confidence will never be weakened, # 16:8 It is possible to translate this section as “I have determined in my heart to be identical with the mind and heart of God, and I will not let my resolve be weakened.”
for I experience your wraparound presence every moment. # 16:8 Or “because he is at my right hand.”
9My heart and soul explode with joy—full of glory!
Even my body will rest confident and secure.
10For you will not abandon me to the realm of death,
nor will you allow your Faithful One to experience corruption. # 16:10 Or “the pit.” This is likely a metaphor for Sheol.
11Because of you, I know the path of life,
as I taste the fullness of joy in your presence.
At your right side # 16:11 Jesus was pierced in his side with the spear of man’s hatred. Eternal pleasures are found hidden in the wounds of Christ, where Jesus responded to the world’s hatred with sacred blood and water flowing from his side. Forgiveness and grace splashed on the dirt. We are now seated with Christ at his right side. I experience divine pleasures forevermore!

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Psalms 16: TPT


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