Isaiah 4

One Man
1Seven women will take hold of one man in that day, saying, “We will eat our own food and wear our own clothing; just take away our disgrace and let us be called by your name.” # 4:1 This chapter should be viewed as a continuation of ch. 3 regarding the daughters of Zion. The daughters of Zion can also be a metaphor for the church. There is coming a day when the church will become so destitute of answers that she will turn to one man, the Lord Jesus, and take hold of him. We have taken hold of the world, and we have taken hold of clever ideas, but the “seven women” (seven churches of Rev. 2 and 3) are about to lay hold of their Beloved. The church will long for him, that he would feed us his bread and we would wear his garments. We will want to be called by his great name. The shadow of his beauty will remove our disgrace.
The Branch of the Lord
2In that day, the branch of Yahweh
will be beautiful and glorious, # 4:2 Although the Hebrew word used here for “branch” is somewhat ambiguous, it is clearly a Messianic term (see Isa. 11:1; 53:2; Jer. 23:5; 33:15; Zech. 3:8; 6:12). Jesus defines himself as the “vine,” and we who are joined to him by faith are the branches (John 15:1–6). Today, Jesus has branched out through us to bring forth the fruit of his Spirit. This is the Immanuel (“God with us”) character of Christ that increases and grows like a branch carrying his life (see Isa. 9:6–7). Our “family tree” is the branch of the Lord in his beauty. The branch of Lord that is magnificent (or “beautiful”) and “glorious” reveals Christ’s divine nature; “the fruit of the earth” represents his human nature (man was formed from the earth). Jesus is the fruit of the earth, the fruit of the womb of Mary, and the fruit on the Tree of Life. Heaven gave its beauty and the earth its fruit for you and me.
and the fruit of the earth will be the pride and glory
of the remnant of Israel.
3Then the remnant in Zion and Jerusalem, # 4:3 See Isa. 37:31–32.
those who are written for life # 4:3 The Aramaic is “written for eternal life.” Some see a reference here to a Book of Destiny or Book of Life, which has written in it the names of those made holy. Perhaps this is the same book Daniel wrote about in Dan. 12:1, or it could be the book David mentioned (see Ps. 139:16). Moses spoke to the Lord about his “book” (Ex. 32:32). We also read of the “Book of Life” (Ps. 69:28; Phil. 4:3; Rev. 20:12) that belongs to the Lamb (Rev. 13:8). For those who fear the Lord, there is kept a “scroll of remembrance” with their names written in it (Mal. 3:16). Jesus reminded his disciples that their true source of joy was not that they could cast out demons but that their names were written in the “journals of heaven” (Luke 10:20). in Jerusalem,
will be called holy.
4And the Lord has washed away
the filth # 4:4 The Hebrew word for “filth” is also translated in the Old Testament as a drunkard’s “vomit” (Isa. 28:8) and human “excrement” (Isa. 36:12). The daughters of Zion were haughty in ch. 3. Now they have become humble and repentant, needing the cleansing of the Lord. See Zech. 13:1. of the daughters of Zion # 4:4 This is a prophetic metaphor for the churches, Zion’s daughters. God’s people dwell in the Zion-realm (see Isa. 25:6 and footnote on 2:3). The Zion-realm is a synonymous term for the New Jerusalem (see Heb. 12:22).
and cleansed the bloodstains of Jerusalem
by a Spirit of justice # 4:4 Or “judgment.” and by a Spirit of burning. # 4:4 By the Spirit of justice and by the Spirit of burning, the Lord (Adonai) will wash away the filth from the churches of Christ—even bloodstains. The Hebrew word for “Spirit” can also be translated “breath” or “blast.” The blast of justice and the blast of fire are coming to cleanse God’s people. This Spirit of justice releases holy vision to see things as God sees them. Decisions will be made by the justice of God, not the prejudices of men. It is not that he merely executes judgment but that he demonstrates perfect discernment to see what is holy and what is not. This Spirit of burning (a possible reference to the baptism of fire, see Matt. 3:11) will thoroughly cleanse God’s remnant and make them holy by refining fire (see Mal. 3:2–4). A fire of passionate love for Jesus Christ will cleanse the church. The fire of love as a seal over our hearts will keep us pure from temptation and end-time distractions (see Song. 8:6).
A Cloud and a Glow
5Then Yahweh will create over all of Mount Zion
and over every gathering a cloud of smoke by day
and a glow of flaming fire by night. # 4:5 See Ex. 13:21–22.
And all this manifestation of dazzling glory
will spread over them like a wedding canopy. # 4:5 Or “nuptial chamber.” The Hebrew word cḥuppâ always denotes the marriage chamber. As part of a Jewish wedding ceremony, the bride and bridegroom would be overshadowed by a canopy (cḥuppâ). This marriage chamber will provide peace, rest, and security for the bride of Christ.
6It will be a tabernacle # 4:6 The overshadowing tabernacle points to the Lord Jesus Christ, who “tabernacled” among us (see John 1:14). This is the same Hebrew word (sukkah) used in Amos 9:11 to describe the “tabernacle [tent] of David” that God promises to restore on the earth with night-and-day worship before the unveiled presence of God. as a shade
from the scorching heat of the day
and a safe shelter to protect them from the storm and rain. # 4:6 The remnant of the lovers of God who have taken hold of one man (Jesus) will be sheltered and protected, even in a time of judgment, just as Goshen provided a refuge for Israel during the plagues of Egypt.

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Isaiah 4: TPT


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