Isaiah 32

A King and His Princes
1Look—a new era begins!
A king will reign with righteousness,
and his princes # 32:1 Although some scholars believe Hezekiah is the king mentioned here, we see Jesus. He is the King of Righteousness, and his princes are the sons and daughters who make up his kingdom. See Rom. 8:14, 29; Heb. 2:6–13. according to justice!
2A man will be a hiding place from the stormy wind
and a secret shelter from the tempest. # 32:2 Who is this man? It is the Lord of Glory, Jesus Christ. In him we are sheltered and safe from the storm of the law’s condemnation, as well as from the assaults of Satan. Spiritual leaders, like our Lord Jesus, are to be a source of protection and refreshing for God’s people. See John 10:10–11.
Life will flow from each one, like streams of water # 32:2 See Ezek. 47:1–12; John 7:37–39. in the desert,
like the refreshing shade of a massive rock
in a weary, thirsty land.
3Then at last, eyes that are ready to see
will finally be opened! # 32:3 See John 3:1–8; Eph. 1:18.
Ears that are ready to hear
will finally be opened! # 32:3 See Rev. 3:13, 20–22.
4The hearts of those who were once hasty to form opinions
will finally understand and know.
And those with stammering tongues
will speak dazzling truths! # 32:4 See 1 Cor. 14:2.
5The fool # 32:5 The Hebrew word for “fool,” nabal, is one of the strongest negative terms used in the Old Testament to describe a person who is “worthless” or “godless.” See 1 Sam. 25:25. will no longer be called Your Honor,
nor the scoundrel # 32:5 Or “miserly,” “one who withholds,” “stingy,” or “covetous.” highly respected,
6for the fool is recognized by his foolish words.
Their minds plot treachery, they excel in ungodliness,
and they say misleading things about Yahweh.
They refuse to feed the hungry or give drink to the thirsty.
7The deceiver’s schemes # 32:7 Or “weapons.” and plans are evil.
He schemes of cheating the poor,
even when their plea is just.
8But a person of honor has honorable plans,
and his integrity # 32:8 The Hebrew word nadiyb is used three times in this verse and can be translated “honor,” “noble,” “integrity,” “willing,” or “princely.” gives him security.
A Warning of Disaster
9You careless women,
it is time to get up and hear my voice.
You complacent daughters, pay attention to what I say.
10Although you are carefree now,
you will tremble for many days and years, # 32:10 Or “days upon a year.” This phrase is obscure and not easy to define. It could be a figure of speech for “days and years [of trouble]” or “in a year or more.”
for your grape harvest will fail
and your fruit harvest will not come!
11Tremble, you careless ones.
Take off your fine garments and expose yourselves.
Shake with fear and put on sackcloth. # 32:11 The five imperative Hebrew verbs, though seemingly addressed to women, are all in the masculine form.
12Beat your breasts in sorrow
for your pleasant fields and fruitful vines.
13Mourn for the soil of my people,
for it will grow nothing but thorns and briars. # 32:13 See Matt. 13:3–9, 18–23.
Yes, mourn for all the houses of joy in the joyous city,
14for the bustling city with its mansions will be deserted.
The high ground and watchtower will be empty,
becoming the joy of wild donkeys and a grazing ground for flocks.
The Outpouring
15The desolation will not end
until # 32:15 See Acts 3:19–21; Eph. 4:13. the Spirit is poured out # 32:15 Or “emptied out.” See Ezek. 36:25–27; Joel 2:28. upon us from heaven! # 32:15 Or “from on high.”
Then the wilderness will blossom into a fruitful orchard
and the trees of the orchard will grow into a forest!
16Then justice will reside in the wilderness
and righteousness will dwell in the fruitful orchard.
17The work of righteousness is peace, # 32:17 That is, peace comes from righteousness, not simply the works of man. See Isa. 26:12; Matt. 5:9.
and the result of righteousness
is quietness and confidence forever.
18My people will live free from worry
in secure homes and quiet resting places. # 32:18 Jesus is the quiet resting place for every lover of God.
19No matter if hail destroys the forest and the city is leveled,
20you will be happy and blessed
as you sow your seed beside every stream
and loose your ox and donkey to graze freely.

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Isaiah 32: TPT


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