پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە تیتۆس 2:5

Deeper Into Scripture: Titus
3 Days
Deeper into Scripture is a methodology of scripture reading that instructs, encourages and equips people to read God’s Word daily and deeply. To accomplish this we have created a unique four-fold method of bible reading that directs the individual to read a short passage of scripture four times. Each reading is done with a different question, instruction or objective to be considered. This repetitive reading and instruction takes us deeply into the Word of God and draws us closer to Him.

Why I Didn't Rebel
3 Days
Raising responsible kids who are self-motivated and hard workers can be difficult when all they want to do is sit in front of a TV or play videogames. So how do you raise a teen to be responsible and make good decisions? Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach, author of the book Why I Didn’t Rebel, interviewed dozens of young people and, together with psychology research, found some common themes among families with kids who didn’t rebel, and families with kids who did. This 3-day action plan will give you the run-down on raising responsible teens. To find out more or purchase the book, visit http://amzn.to/2wipiOj

You're Not Alone: Encouragement in Challenging Times
3 Days
Real talk. It’s not an easy time for anyone. Parents, youth, the elderly. With so much of life recently cancelled or disrupted, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges of this season. This devotional plan is written for different generations to stop and acknowledge the difficulty and triumph we all face and to look to God, together, remembering He is near.

Foundations of Godly Men (A Titus Reading Plan)
3 Days
Everything in a man’s life hinges on the kind of man he is. Yet, none of us is naturally a godly man. That’s something we have to learn, pursue, and cultivate. The book of Titus offers qualities that are foundational to godly manhood.

Be Ready: A Study in Titus
3 Days
The last of the pastoral epistles, the book of Titus, was written to help establish elders and churches on the island of Crete. Paul encourages Titus to cultivate both right beliefs through sound doctrine and right behavior through godliness. Titus encourages believers to “be ready for every good work” (Titus 3:1) so that we might show “the goodness and lovingkindness of God our Savior” (Titus 3:4).

Happier Healthier Home
3 Days
Having a happy home is important. It’s a refuge when everything else in life seems to fall apart. This plan shows how to have a home like that.

The 4 Living Creatures Series Part 2: The Ox
3 Days
The 4 Living Creatures mentioned in the Bible depict the glorious characteristics of Jesus that we must possess to be effective Christians. As we examine the nature of the ox, you will learn how to exhibit the attributes that bring about efficacy in your spiritual life.

Time: It Is “Of the Essence”: A 3-Day Parenting Plan)
3 Days
How often does it feel like time is in short supply? ‘If only there were more hours in the day!’ crosses our minds. Familiar to many of us is the idea that we can spend time or invest it. How can we as parents invest in the lives of our children in ways that will produce beneficial outcomes? Our thoughts turn in that direction this week.

3 Days
This plan offers a 3-day journey through the book of Titus, making it ideal for both individual and group study.

Life Management - Managing Marriage, Motherhood, & Ministry With Courtnaye Richard
4 Days
Without a doubt, life can get super busy as we try to have good marriages, train up our kids, and do all the things, but there is help! We are surely not alone in the process. Join me for this life-changing 4-day devotional. Together with God, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and some practical tips, we can manage marriage, motherhood, and ministry, well. Download it today and let's get started!

Man Code Cheat Code
4 Days
Every man needs a code to live and lead by. The Bible clearly outlines the basic, foundational pillars and standards for men to lead their families well. This devotional identifies four roles for men to live by. The Spiritual Leader of the home, the King and provider of his castle, the anchor of stability for his crew, and the warrior and protector of his tribe.

Putting God First in Your Marriage
5 Days
Do you want to put God first in your marriage? This plan by Dr. Kim Kimberling will give you a clear look into one couple’s life and how they choose to put God first. This plan will help you see the importance of seeing God’s work in your life and choosing to put Him first. Complete this plan together and be on your way to having an Awesome Marriage!

Partnering In The Body Of Christ For Unity In Mission
5 Days
Jesus prays for His church to be one in unity, working together to achieve the goal of world evangelization. Global mission today needs men and women in partnership for the gospel, innovative collaboration through theological education, and strategic global connections—all to the glory of God!

Should Christians Date Online?
5 Days
Everyone wants to find someone with whom they can build a family and live happily ever after. Many online dating websites and apps have been created for people to meet each other. Christians wonder if a successful dating relationship can be done online. This devotional is meant to teach adult couples how to date successfully whether they meet online or in person.

The Mommy Wars and the Gospel
5 Days
The dreaded mommy wars...they are those frustrating back-and-forth arguments over what the "right" way is to feed, educate, or train children. Far from being mere inconveniences or even just attacks on our unity in the body, the mommy wars are actually causing us to forget the truths and implications of the gospel. Let's rise up, church, remembering the freeing truths of God's Word as we shed the world's confining standards.

Dealing With Me
5 Days
This 5-day reading plan is a power-packed boot camp that will help you learn how to deal with yourself. Each day you will read Bible passages that will strengthen your biblical view on marriage, forgiveness, and controlling your tongue. As a bonus, short devotional teachings from Denise Renner are included too. Denise’s loving approach and commitment to Titus 2:3-5 shines through her loving instruction and encouragement in this Plan.

5 Days to Better Love Your Local Church
5 Days
The local church is a huge part of God’s design for the Christian community, and although He never promised us it would be perfect, He is clear that it's necessary. In this five-day plan, you’ll be reminded why you need the church, why the church needs you, and how to best engage the body of believers using His Word as your guide and the sacrifice Jesus made as your motivation.

Rooted: Developing a Faith That Will Last
5 Days
College is a great time to choose to develop your personal faith. There are enemies who will try to shipwreck and destroy it, but you can choose to make sure your faith is well rooted. A faith rooted in the fundamentals and rightly understood will stand the test of time and trials. We will overview five key roots that will anchor your faith for life.

Sisterhood Secret
5 Days
Do you believe that you and your sisters in the faith are God’s plan to change the world? Delve into this study based on Levina Mulandi’s book The Sisterhood Secret and learn how to change the world together, one woman at a time.

God's Not Like That: Redeeming Inherited Beliefs and Finding the Father You Long For
5 Days
Our view of God is initially formed in our family of origin. Unfortunately, this means that many of us reach adulthood believing things about God that aren’t true—and we often don’t even realize it. In these devotions, Pastor Bryan Clark helps us begin to discover our misbeliefs so that we can draw closer to God our Father.

Keys To A Successful Marriage
6 Days
Most of the struggles we have in marriages are not due to a lack of information. They are due to a lack of obedience to what we already know. In this plan, we offer Straight Biblical Truth that will help you with your walk in having a successful marriage.

3 Biblical Strategies for Making Tough Decisions
6 Days
Chances are, you have some experience facing hard decisions. They might be decisions about a job, a relationship, or your finances - the decisions that can leave you feeling paralyzed. Over the next six days, we'll explore the best things you can do when facing a hard decision.

Next Generation Leadership
7 Days
The principles of being a great leader haven’t changed. However, for many Millennials the goal in ministry has. In light of celebrity pastors and rock star worship bands, platform has become the goal. How can Millennials prepare for leadership and how can current leaders train them well?

Challenges of a Millennial Marriage
7 Days
At Awesome Marriage we surveyed a large cross-section of millennial couples to identify the unique challenges they face in their marriages. This plan, by Dr. Kim Kimberling, is the result of that survey. We will deal with seven questions that the survey revealed as the most relevant and unique challenges that millennials face as we look in-depth at divorce, responsibility, careers, community, social media, role models, and purity.

The Beloved Pastor's Wife
7 Days
A Pastor’s wife is called to support and encourage her husband, prioritizing her relationships with God, family, and others to keep the family healthy; being careful not to allow the busyness of daily culture to confuse her in the role God has entrusted her with. Expectations and needs of family and church may pull her in different directions, but one thing is always consistent, God’s love for her endures forever.