پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە مەتا 15:18

GENTLENESS - Champions by the Fruit of the Spirit
3 Days
How can the fruit of the spirit win the battle against the sins of my flesh? This three-day reading plan shows the battles of GENTLENESS versus dissension, traditions, and bitterness. Kristi Krauss uses the fruit of the spirit found in Galatians 5 as a guide to spur us into action to become champions of GENTLENESS in our daily lives.

Enemies Of The Heart
5 Days
Just as a physically unhealthy heart can destroy your body, an emotionally and spiritually unhealthy heart can destroy you and your relationships. For the next five days, let Andy Stanley help you look within yourself for four common enemies of the heart — guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy — and teach you how to remove them.

Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 3)
5 Days
Encouragement from a mom who launched her 7 children and lived to tell about it. Part 3 in this series of 12.

Guardrails: Avoiding Regrets In Your Life
5 days
Guardrails are put in place to keep our vehicles from straying into dangerous or off-limit areas. We often don’t see them until we need them—and then we’re sure thankful they’re there. What if we had guardrails in our relationships, finances, and careers? What might those look like? How might they keep us from future regrets? For the next five days, let’s explore how to set up personal guardrails.

Foundational Principles for Spiritual Growth
5 Days
We all want more peace, to be more joyful, to embody more of the character of Christ, but it's not easy, right? A life of real transformative growth is possible! However, we have to get the foundation right. This plan sets out a few of the foundational truths necessary for us to build a life of tangible and continuous spiritual growth.

Conquer Your Fears, Triggers, and Worries With God's Truth
5 Days
Do you have negative thoughts and debilitating emotions? These devotionals—by the fashion editor for Cosmopolitan magazine and founder of Adorned in Armor ministry—will help you posture your heart for delight, overcome the orphan-and-poverty mindset, and accept our King’s view as supreme over what you see. Here is refreshing hope and help for the woman ready to rewire her thoughts—and, as a result, reign effectively with kingdom-mindedness.

Sinners: Experience God’s Compassion in Your Shame
5 Days
Throughout the New Testament, Jesus shows compassion toward unlikely “sinners” who expressed great faith. Whether tax collectors, Roman centurions, or Samaritan women, Jesus repeatedly shows that he came to rescue people burdened with shame. During this plan, Bible teacher and author Kat Armstrong illustrates how these stories strengthen our understanding of God’s empathy and knowledge of how all types of people express beautiful faith in Jesus.

All of You: Learning to Love God With Your Whole Self
5 Days
Do you ever feel tempted to hide parts of yourself to be loved by God or other people? Ever hold back in your prayers or worship of God? Me too! In this plan, I help you understand how God knows all of you and loves all of you. Learn how He wants you to bring all of you into your relationship with Him.

Faith - Can Mine Move Mountains? - Disciple Makers Series #16
6 days
Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is 16 of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. This portion talks about faith, and in many different ways. Watch how faith gets challenged, stretched, refined and exposed – then ask whether our faith matches theirs!

Pretty Days And Hurricanes - All You Need Is Love Series
6 Days
Storms can come from without and from within; both can have devastating effects. Choose to live free from resentment, trusting fully on God’s love.

Speaking Life
6 Days
Words, words, words, power-filled words! Words that build or words that tear down. Words that give life or words that bring death. The choice is ours. Let’s evaluate the significant power that is held in our words.

Blessed Are They
7 Days
In the book of Matthew, Jesus lays out eight radical statements introducing us to several concepts that may seem counterintuitive yet, bring great blessing upon our souls. In this devotional, we will look at each of these statements and discover the marvelous design God has upon our lives as we follow him and humbly seek to live out all that he has taught us.

God And Our World - 7 Doctrines Of The Christan Faith
7 Days
This reading plan features seven doctrines of the Christian faith representing some of the more thought-provoking and often perplexing questions about God and our world. Articles are excerpted from the "Doctrine 101" feature in the NIV Understand the Faith Study Bible.

Drop It
7 Days
This 7-day reading plan and devotional is based on Scott Williams' book "Drop It," which is inspired from the story of blind Bartimaeus. This plan will help you to tap into the faith, courage, and commitment necessary to no longer settle for the way things are. It’s time that you break free from being a puppet to the things distracting you from your purpose. It’s time to DROP IT!

The Battles Women Face
7 Days
In this 7-day devotional, discover how you can be armed for the battles we encounter on a daily basis. The Battles Women Face series will cover topics from boundaries to worry and provide Biblical truths and practical applications to help you walk in victory.

With All Your Heart
7 Days
Relying on ourselves sounds good. After all, if we just get a little more organized, a little more patient, a little more spiritual, our lives will be better…. Right? In this week’s devotional, Christine Hoover reminds us why relying on ourselves leads us to bow to the false kings of anxiety, control, and self-indulgence. Only when we bring our whole hearts to the true King will we find true satisfaction.

Brilliantly YOU: Learning to Live Bold & Free
7 Days
YOU are brilliant- uniquely formed and divinely woven together with the ability to light up this world through goodness and kindness, bravery and resilience. Your shimmer is multi-faceted and potential uncontainable. Created with purpose, you were destined to shine. Over the next seven days, explore who God created you to be and awaken to a life defined by radical love, bold faith, and unstoppable hope.

You're Not the Boss of Me
7 Days
We all have emotions that compete for control of our lives. And those emotions can get us in trouble when we let them be the boss of us. In this 7-day reading plan, Andy Stanley shares a scriptural “how-to” about saying no to destructive emotions. We need to monitor our hearts—not just our behavior—to prevent emotions like guilt, envy, fear, and anger from bossing us around.

7 Days
Our words matter. And they especially matter to God. We know this because his word, the Bible, overflows with warnings about the power of the tongue to do harm and also the wisdom of the words of the righteous. This seven-day devotion scratches the surface of the Bible’s warnings, corrections and advice about our tongue.

Soul Care to Save Your Life
7 Days
What would your life look like if you knew and loved yourself as Christ loves you? The perfection we feel pressured to project from ourselves and for others comes at the expense of our emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being. Shift your focus from performing to purposeful living from the inside out. Soulful honesty between God and you always bring healing, so let’s embrace the confidence God's forgiveness and restoration offer.

Sealed - Part 1
7 Days
Song of Songs speaks of the spiritual truths of the relationship between King Jesus and His Bride, the Church - the most epic Love Story. The Bride's journey begins with a cry for the kisses from the Word of God and ends with a Seal of Fire on Her heart. Song of Songs 8:6, the culmination of this Song, talks about the Seal on those who desire maturity in God.

The Winning Heart: 7 Heart Expressions to Become a Winner on the Field and in Life
8 Days
It is your HEART that makes you a winner, not your talent. Your heart determines the direction of your life, so protecting it is vital. People who understand this and possess The Winning Heart succeed in every aspect of life. Talent may bring opportunities, but only your heart can bring true victory. Join us on a journey to develop The Winning Heart.

The Ten Commandments: Devotions From Time of Grace
10 Days
God gave Moses the 10 Commandments long ago, yet God says they still apply to you today.

MATTHEW Zúme Accountability Group
10 Days
We all know that we should read our Bible, pray, and be the church, but what if we actually started doing that? Zúme Accountability Groups are small groups of 2 to 4 people that don’t just want to be hearers of the word, but doers! If you want simple and practical “HOW TO” steps to be and do what Jesus called, commanded, and created us for then start this plan.