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Fearless: A Six-Week Journey

Dia 45 de 88

WEEK 4: GOING UP THE MOUNTAIN THE WATER OF HIS WORD Read Matthew 14:23-25. We see that Jesus ascended the mountain to be alone with His Father. How long was He up on the mountain? How much time do you spend alone with the Lord in Bible reading, prayer, and listening? WALK ON TRUTH We need to get away from “the earthly” on a daily basis in order to live with “the heavenly” in view. We need to go up to the mountain top at the start of the day in order to live throughout the day—in the midst of the trials and circumstances—with eternal purposes in mind at every moment. We want to make the best use of the time, “because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16). What kind of plan do you have to spend time alone with God Most High––with your heavenly Father—the creator of the universe? How can you make sure that you set time apart with Him so that you are able to hear Him and see things from His perspective rather than the way things appear from a worldly, human perspective? We can do nothing in our own strength, but we are to follow God’s ultimate command to love Him with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength. As we follow in obedience by faith, He will make this possible. FOCUS THE EYES OF YOUR HEART Quietly recite today’s focus verses to yourself. Hide them in your heart, meditate on them, and make them your prayer throughout the day. Deuteronomy 6:4-6 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.
Dia 44Dia 46

Sobre aquest pla

Fearless: A Six-Week Journey

Aprèn com moure't enmig de la por que t'aclapara i et fa retrocedir en la teva fe, i gaudeix tota una nova vida de llibertat, valentia, i efectivitat en la teva vida i testimoni! Ideal per a mares ocupades, dones solteres i estudiants d'institut.


Volem agrair a Thistlebend Ministries i a l'autora Laurie Aker que ens hagin subministrat aquest pla de lectura. Per més informació, si us plau visita: