Mattityahu 4:4
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
he but has answered said: it stands written: not from bread alone will the man live, but from every word, which comes out of Hashem's mouth. (Deuteronomy 8, 3)
Explorar Mattityahu 4:4
Mattityahu 4:10
then says Yehoshua to him: go away, you (SG) Satan! for it stands written: to the L-rd, your G-d, shall you (SG) yourself worship and only him alone shall you (SG) serve!
Explorar Mattityahu 4:10
Mattityahu 4:7
has Yehoshua to him said: it stands also written: you (SG) you shall not tempt the L-rd, your G-d.
Explorar Mattityahu 4:7
Mattityahu 4:1-2
then is Yehoshua led become from the Spirit in the wilderness into, so that the Satan may him tempt. and fasting forty days and forty nights, is he afterwards hungry become.
Explorar Mattityahu 4:1-2
Mattityahu 4:19-20
and he said to them: come, follow me after, and I will you (PL) make for fishers of people! and they have immediately left the nets, and have him followed.
Explorar Mattityahu 4:19-20
Mattityahu 4:17
from then onwards has Yehoshua begun to proclaim, and to say: do repentance; because the kingdom of the heavens has itself come near!
Explorar Mattityahu 4:17
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