Faith Vs Fateনমুনা

Prompted By Faith
Faith is progressive. As we grow in our walk with God, and we become more aware of His presence, and His promises we are able to believe on Him for greater things. When I started my walk with God, I had little faith, and I only would pray for things for myself and my family. I would ask for personal material needs, but I did not believe God wanted to heal my headache as much as He wanted to provide for me, so I would suffer physical pain because I didn't yet understand God could heal. As years went by and I studied God's Word, it opened up a vault of treasures hidden in plain sight, and my mind understood the depth of love my Father had for me. My faith grew, and I believed God could heal me just like He healed so many in the Bible. Now I can say I have moved out of the small sphere into a broader realm of faith. I know I still have a long way to go, but now I can believe God for nations, mass deliverance, and healings –– all because I increased the time I spent with God, meditating on His Word.
In Hebrews 11 we also hear about Moses, his life was extraordinary, and he lived a life of faith in God. But before Moses' life went into depth, there is a small mention of his parents. Moses parents were slaves in Egypt, and they lived in terrifying times; Pharaoh passed a law that all baby boys born during that time should be thrown in the Nile river, but the girls could live. Pharaoh was afraid the Hebrew people would overpower him and his people. But Moses's parents refused to kill him, and they hid him for three months because they believed God could save him. The Amplified Bible says it this way, "[Prompted] by faith Moses, after his birth, was kept concealed for three months by his parents, because they saw how comely the child was; and they were not overawed and terrified by the king's decree." (Hebrews 11:23 AMPC)
The parents of Moses were from the tribe of Levi, the priestly tribe, and they were very familiar with the promise made to Abraham they would one day have their own land and be a free people, and because of the promises of God to their ancestors, they never lost hope or their faith. They trusted God to keep Moses, and God honored their faith in Him to do it. Moses' parents took a great leap of faith, and Moses ended up living like royalty in Pharaoh's palace and was still raised by His natural mother, all because his parents were prompted by faith in their God. Maybe today you are facing a detrimental situation with nowhere to turn, and you feel hopeless. I want to encourage you today like Moses' parents to spend time in God's presence reading His promises and let Him prompt you for the next move in your life, let go of your situations and let God take control because He has a plan!
"Faith is the willingness to risk anything on God." ~ Jack Hyles
About this Plan

In the world, many people view their destiny as their Fate- or as the saying goes , “whatever will be, will be.” But as a believer, Faith is the word that should be part of our vocabulary, for faith is a gift given to men after they have put their trust in God and this faith can chart a different course for your life. Are you fate-driven or are you faith-driven ? I hope this plan will help you move from a fate to faith mindset!