Walk with God for 35 Daysনমুনা

We need revival – as individuals, as a church, as a city. And revival comes though the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. But Jesus taught that new wine is poured into new wineskins. We need to change – to become new wine skins through turning away from our compromises and our self-interest. Then the winds of revival, the new wine of revival, will be poured on us.
"Lord, help us acknowledge and repent from our compromises with the world and our selfish ways. Let us become new wineskins and then, let the new wine of revival be poured into us. In Jesus's name. Amen."
About this Plan

We believe that as Jesus said, His words are spirit and life. He guides us and inspires us in our daily walk. We invite you to take part in a spiritual journey, "Walk with God for 35 days". It is a heart-filling sharing from scripture and we hope you will be strengthened by the Lord in spending time with Him, and grow in intimacy with Him day by day.