Widows Used by Godনমুনা

Ruth: A Widow to a Winner
Ruth is a Moabitess by faith and gets integrated into the people of God. She is known as ‘a Jew by choice.’ She becomes an ancestor of King David and the Messiah Lord Jesus Christ.
Ruth migrates
Naomi lost her husband, and two sons after migrating to Moab. Naomi decides to return to Israel and recommends her two daughters-in-law go to their people and get married again. Ruth chooses to migrate to Israel along with Naomi.
Covenant relationship and Faith
It was the ‘faith migration’ of Ruth in pursuit of truth as her statement clarifies. (Ruth 1:16-17) She chose a new geography (place to lodge, die, and be buried), a new genealogy of integrating herself with Naomi, and a new spiritual journey, by becoming a follower of Jehovah.
Ruth and Boaz
Ruth volunteered to go out and work, and Naomi encouraged her. God led Ruth to work in Boaz’s field. Her reputation went ahead of her: faith in Jehovah and sought protection under his wings; faithful to Naomi, leaving her land, friends, and relatives. She got permission (which was not necessary) to glean in the field of Boaz. Generous Boaz gave three concessions: First, be with other women workers; second, men were instructed not to touch her, which meant protection from harassment; third, she could drink water that was meant for workers. Boaz asked Ruth to join during lunch, she saved food for her mother-in-law. Naomi learned that Boaz could redeem according to Moses Law, she encouraged Ruth to work in Boaz’s field. She also advised her to prepare herself as a presentable person and go to Boaz on the threshing floor. According to culture in Israel, Ruth will go and lie down at the feet of Boaz, indicating submission and willingness to be a servant. Boaz was old and did not think he was attractive to a young, beautiful woman like Ruth. He commended Ruth for her integrity, sincerity, purity, and commitment. All the people in Bethlehem knew Ruth as a virtuous woman. Boaz promised to do the needful.
Boaz marries Ruth
Taking the issue of redeeming the land of Naomi, which requires marriage to Ruth to the town leaders, Boaz publicly announced his marriage to Ruth. People declared that they were witnesses. They blessed Ruth that she would be like Leah and Rachael who built the house of Jacob, the Nation of Israel. Perez is also mentioned. His birth is mentioned in Genesis. (Genesis 38: 27-30)He was a breach-maker. Yes, Ruth is a breach-maker, coming into the ancestor list of Messiah. People said that Ruth is equal to seven sons. Ruth is one of the ancestors of Lord Jesus Christ, and Naomi could not be ignored. (Matthew 1:5)
Ruth is a great woman of faith who understood the truth of a loving God and demonstrated faithfulness to Naomi. The Truth is revealed in the Law. Otherwise, who would have followed another widow who saw only calamities in her life? A great model for life!
About this Plan

Many cultures historically devalue widows, but the Bible offers them dignity and purpose. Throughout Scripture, God honours women and uses them in His divine plan. Widows are seen not as burdens but as integral to God's work, with their strength and faith contributing to His greater purposes. The Bible provides a radical reimagining of how widows should be viewed, offering them honour and respect.