More Than Just a Story - the Book of Johnনমুনা

The last supper. The very last meal with Jesus had come for his disciples. I am struck by the phrase in verse 1 of “he loved them to the end.” As they entered the room to eat and fellowship together, Jesus already knew that Judas would betray him. He knew the others would break out into an argument of who was the greatest (Luke 22:24-30). He even knew that he was at the end of his life, his own crucifixion was right around the corner. Yet, he loved them to the end.
As they all sat around the table, Jewish custom was that the lowest servant in the room would have the responsibility of washing everyone's feet. They walked on sandy, dirty roads in sandals — their feet took the brunt of filth. Jesus dumbfounded them all when he rose from his dinner, took off his outer garments and began to wash his disciples feet.
“You shall never wash my feet” Peter said.
Confused and humbled, each disciple had their feet washed by their King. It wrecked their ideas of who was the greatest and why they were the greatest. Jesus himself was in the room. King of Kings and Lord of Lords, stooped low to teach them how to love and serve. Commanding them to wash each other’s feet, following His example.
His physical cleaning was a picture of what was to come — the spiritual cleansing that Jesus would pay for that we would receive in his death, burial and resurrection.
How often do I bow out before the end of a process? How about choosing comfort and convenience over the choice of serving my neighbor, my spouse, my friend? How do I respond when it gets hard?
My heart is convicted by this story. What a beautiful example Jesus leaves us with — loving us, fully, to the end.
- What ways in your own life can you serve the people around you?
- Does Jesus washing his disciples’ feet convict you to love and serve differently?
About this Plan

The book of John reveals Jesus as the Messiah, the Savior, and the Son of God by focusing on His life and ministry. This is an anthology, created by a diverse group of people from different backgrounds and perspectives, all connected to Embrace Church MN. Through personal reflections and insights, it explores the entire book of John, connecting its timeless truths to real-life experiences. Whether you're new to the Bible or deeply familiar with it, this journey will help you know Jesus more—not just through facts, but by allowing His life to inspire and transform you each day.