More Than Just a Story - the Book of Johnনমুনা

Jesus was walking and he sees a man who had been blind since birth. The disciples assumed his blindness must have been a punishment for sin—either his own or his parents’. But Jesus told them something surprising: “This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.”
Instead of seeing the man as broken or cursed, Jesus saw him as someone through whom God’s glory would shine. Then, in an act of deep compassion, Jesus did something unusual—He spit on the ground, made mud, and spread it over the man’s eyes. It may have seemed strange, but Jesus wasn’t just healing him physically. He was inviting the man to trust Him.
Jesus told him, “Go wash in the pool of Siloam.” The man obeyed, and as soon as he washed, his sight was restored. For the first time in his life, he could see! Imagine this moment—colors, faces, trees, sunsets, and light flooding his vision for the very first time.
People around him are stunned. Some weren’t even sure it was the same man. “Isn’t this the beggar who used to sit here?” they asked. Others argued, “No, he just looks like him!” But the man confidently declared, “Yes, I am the same one!”
When they asked how it happened, he simply said, “The man they call Jesus made mud, spread it over my eyes, and told me to go wash. So I went, and now I can see!”
This story is more than just a miracle—it’s a picture of Jesus’ heart. He sees people others overlook. He meets needs in ways we don’t expect. And He brings light where there has been only darkness, maybe you can relate.
Jesus didn’t just give this man sight—He gave him a new life. And He wants to do the same for us. Maybe you aren’t physically blind, but we all have places where we need Jesus to bring healing and clarity. Places that feel dark that need to be illuminate with His light.
Jesus still sees you. He still cares deeply. And He still heals, not just our bodies, but our hearts and souls.
I love that today’s section ends with people asking, “Where is this man?” and the healed man simply replying, “I don’t know.” Jesus doesn’t stay for a curtain call. He isn’t looking for applause or recognition. His focus isn’t on fame—it’s on people. He came for the hurting, the lost, the broken, and those living in darkness. His desire is for us to find healing, wholeness, and light.
Whether it’s physical, emotional, or spiritual, He is ready to meet you with the same compassion He showed this man. All He asks is that we trust Him and take that step of faith. Where do you need Jesus to bring healing in your life today?
The blind man obeyed Jesus even though the instructions seemed unusual. Is there something Jesus is asking you to do that requires faith and trust, even if it doesn’t make sense right now?
Jesus saw the blind man when others overlooked him. How does this story remind you of Jesus’ deep compassion for you, and how can you reflect that same compassion to those around you?
About this Plan

The book of John reveals Jesus as the Messiah, the Savior, and the Son of God by focusing on His life and ministry. This is an anthology, created by a diverse group of people from different backgrounds and perspectives, all connected to Embrace Church MN. Through personal reflections and insights, it explores the entire book of John, connecting its timeless truths to real-life experiences. Whether you're new to the Bible or deeply familiar with it, this journey will help you know Jesus more—not just through facts, but by allowing His life to inspire and transform you each day.