The New Templeনমুনা
“The silver is mine and the gold is mine, declares the Lord Almighty. The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house, says the Lord Almighty. And in this place I will grant peace, declares the Lord Almighty.” – Haggai 2: 8-9
In the story of Haggai, the Jewish people have just rebuilt God’s Temple after it was destroyed by their enemy, the Babylonians. Once they rebuilt it, they were struck by a major problem: The new temple was not nearly as good as the old Temple. When the Babylonians destroyed the “former” temple, they completely ruined it. When the Jewish people rebuilt it, even though they tried their best, they could not recreate its former glory. And so they were discouraged.
God sent Haggai to give them this message. God was reminding them that it was HIS glory, not their own, that mattered. God wants them to know that HIS plans are better than their plans. Even though they have failed, HE will succeed. The “silver” is His, the “gold” is His, and the glory is His. They don’t need to worry about trying to impress God.
God reminded the people that He is still at work in their midst. Even when they feel like they have missed out, God is using them to build his kingdom. They shouldn’t compare themselves to their past, and they shouldn’t let their enemies intimidate them, because God has it all under control. And he promises that what is coming in the future will be better than they can imagine!
Through Christ, God is at work in our lives as well, building us into who he wants us to be. It is easy to compare ourselves to others, or to see the past sin in our lives, and to feel disqualified. God is promising that HE is the one who does the work in our lives, and HE is the one who brings glory. All we have to do is trust and follow.
Is it hard to compare yourselves to other people’s “glory?” Why do we try to impress God when we know that it doesn’t matter, he loves us anyway? How does knowing that God is at work in your life in a special and unique way help take some of the pressure to perform off of you?
Other Verses to Consider
-Ezra 1-6
-Ephesians 2
About this Plan
A major idea in the New Temple is restoration. Just as the Jews were restoring the temple Jesus restores us to right relationship with Himself. Explore how Christ is at work to restore his whole creation, including you!