Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?নমুনা

Jesus came to destroy the work of the Devil.
The study from Day 3 recounted that we have an adversary, the Devil. He deceived the first people. His work to deceive mankind and lead us away from God continues to this day.
But there is hope! Jesus overpowered the Devil. He did this by living a sinless life, dying on the cross, and rising again from the dead.
Only Jesus, who is “God with us,” could conquer sin and death! That is good news for us!
God gives us a way to escape the lies of the Devil and be freed from our past sin and shame. God delivers us into new life and purpose.
Jesus said, judgment (John 14:6).
We can’t pay for our own sins, but God made a way for our sins to be forgiven through Jesus. When we accept Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins, we are no longer under judgement but have been freed from the bondage of sin and spiritual death.
Jesus holds the victory over the lies and destruction of the Devil.
We hope this study has been helpful to you.
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About this Plan

God is complex. We cannot fully understand Him. He is also relational and has been revealing Himself to mankind since the beginning of time. Jesus was not created but was with God from the beginning. Why did Jesus come to earth? Where is the peace His birth was supposed to bring? Some answers to these questions are found in this five-day Bible study.