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Man vs. Fearনমুনা

Man vs. Fear

DAY 2 OF 7

Last Supper, Last Warning, Last Word

Christian men want to make the world a better place.

We use our strength for good. We encourage others. We financially support worthwhile causes. We understand that Jesus saved us, and therefore, we seek to bless our home, church, workplace, and community in His Name.

Yet for all this, Jesus warns us that not all will be well in our world.

In our verse today, Jesus warned His disciples at the Last Supper that they would have “trouble” in this world. Some Bible versions translate “trouble” as “tribulations” or “trials and sorrows.” The word “trouble” is translated earlier in the chapter as “anguish” when Jesus speaks of the pains of women giving birth (John 16:21).

All these various meanings indicate that followers of Jesus will have reasons to fear. We will encounter tribulations because of our loyalty to Him. As we live out our faith, some will dislike and even hate us for what we stand for and proclaim. In many countries around the world, Christians are persecuted for their beliefs; indeed, many pay the ultimate price, as Open Doors U.S. estimates 13 Christians are killed every day for their faith.

It's natural for believers to feel fear when we contemplate the full weight of Jesus’ statement that we will have trouble in this world. It’s OK for us to shed the stoic image that men typically convey in life and acknowledge openly that these things are pretty distressing.

This section of John’s Gospel is likely the last thing Jesus said to His disciples at the Last Supper before He prayed in closing. He wanted to conclude His teaching by warning them that storms of persecution were brewing on the horizon.

Nonetheless, Jesus’ final, final words on the subject were: “But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

He wanted to calm any fearful hearts among them. He would be with them by the Holy Spirit. He would give His life and be resurrected, overcoming sin and death for those who believe. He would take them past their persecution and martyrdom and receive them into the bliss of Heaven.

Jesus has overcome for us as well, as we walk with Him, bringing before Him any fears we may have concerning the challenges of living as a Christian in this world. We find our peace in Him.

Prayer: Lord, sometimes the road for me as a believer is easy. Sometimes it’s difficult. But I praise You that I’m on the road to Heaven, where I’ll see You in glory one day. Help me when I experience fear or anxiety as I try to live out my Christian faith at home, work, and in the community. Amen.

Reflection: What does it mean on a practical level when Jesus says, “But take heart! I have overcome the world”? How can Jesus’ prayer in John 17:1-19 encourage us when we experience trouble in the world as we endeavor to be a devout believer?

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