Catching Fire: The Power of Our Wordsনমুনা

The book of Proverbs is full of general principles for life—things the writers discovered to be consistently true. While proverbs aren’t necessarily promises, they are examples of things we can look to and see a pattern for how things generally turn out. This specific proverb suggests that when we’re careful and truthful with our words, they can build us a reputation that lasts a lifetime. The consistency of using wisdom in our speech pays dividends. But the proverb also suggests the opposite is true. It takes just a moment for our words to discredit us, to take down a lifetime of work that truth-telling and integrity with our words have built.
The writer of this proverb is reminding us of the power words have—over the long haul and in the moment. Words play an integral part in building a reputation that lasts. Using truthful words and wise words is playing a long game. Slow and steady gets us there, but it just takes a slip of our words to ruin what we’ve built. As you go throughout the day, consider how you can use your words to reinforce who you are, to add to your character, and not take away.
About this Plan

Words have the power to tear down, but also to build up; the power to give life, but also to take life; the power to make new ways in the world, or to reinforce the way things have always been. Words are complicated tools to which we all have access. The question is: How do we use them best? How do we harness their power and become agents of good with our words?