Love Well in a Divided Culture: Navigate Challenging Times With Jesus' Loveনমুনা

Love Well in a Divided Culture: Made in the Image of Our Creator
Every person is made in the image of our Creator. Genesis 1:27 says, "So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Our challenge today is to re-evaluate the way we interact with those image-bearers with whom we disagree.
How do we treat others despite how they treat us? Do we look at them and see the person Jesus died to save, or do we look at them and see their sins or our disagreements? Do we know when to keep silent and love well, or do we come armed with an argument prepared to prove a point?
As we strive to love well in a divided culture, we can take a step back and look at the big picture. Christ wants everyone to come to salvation and be part of His Father’s kingdom. It is not our job to transform someone’s heart in Christ; that’s the Holy Spirit’s role. Loving well means honoring our positions—don’t play God. We aren’t here to form judgments and bring condemnation. This isn’t about us or our feelings—it’s about sharing Jesus with those who don’t know Him and letting the light of His goodness and holiness shine through us and illuminate the darkness around us. We want others to desire to know Jesus as their personal Savior.
Despite our differences, we need to see people as individuals whom Jesus Christ laid down His deity to walk on earth as man, to take on their sins and die in their place. The blood of Jesus was shed for all of us. Remember who you were before Christ, walking down the road of destruction until Jesus stopped you in your tracks and gave you a new life. This person is on that same road, in the same position you once were. Lovingly come alongside them. Set down your own feelings for the sake of their soul.
For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost. - Luke 19:10
We’re designed to point to Jesus—showing the love of this amazing, holy, beautiful, and loving Savior. Jesus tells the parable of a Samaritan man who stops to help a Jewish man beaten and left for dead. Several Jewish men pass by the injured man without offering assistance. Despite his different cultural views, the Samaritan man shows unexpected mercy and compassion. His selfless act of kindness demonstrates his care for and value of the man's life over their cultural differences (Luke 10:30-37).
Regardless of what other people are doing, remember Jesus says that loving others is the second greatest commandment (Matthew 22:36-39); reflect back on the parable of the Good Samaritan and other Scriptures pointing to the importance of showing God’s love. Be motivated to love others no matter what.
Let’s be honest; it’s not easy to love everyone else like Christ does, and we don’t want to come across as fake. Sometimes, we just aren’t feeling full of compassion and mercy. It’s in these times that we need to go to the Lord in prayer. Confess to God that we can’t do it without Him! Ask God to give us what we need to love others well in a divided culture. Spending more time with God in prayer will always replenish our souls.
Heavenly Father, how wonderful it is to understand that You created each person in Your own image! You have uniquely designed each person on this earth and have a distinct plan and purpose for their lives. Thank You for inviting me into Your family and calling me Yours. Father, there are people in this world who are difficult to talk to. They don’t know You, and they don’t know Your Word. Their lives are in opposition to mine. But I know that You have called me to share Your Son, Jesus Christ, with them and love them as You do. Sometimes, people are difficult to talk to, and I just don’t feel like I have the right words. Sometimes, my heart just isn’t in it, and I need Your help. Psalm 51:10 says, "Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me." Amen.
About this Plan

Learn how to Love Well in a Divided Culture. Get ready to be transformed as you are challenged to lay down your own agenda and fully lean into the Holy Spirit’s direction. Engage with spiritual disciplines to help you put on the full armor of God and learn new ways or reignite old ways of having Christ’s love influence your behavior and soften your heart toward others.
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