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ARC Church Planting Prayer Guideনমুনা

ARC Church Planting Prayer Guide

DAY 8 OF 10

Unity & Team Dynamics


By Brandon Woodward Union City Church, Washington D.C.

In John 17, Jesus gives a vision for unity to His future church. His earnest prayer is that the church to come would be united heart and soul and would reflect the unity He enjoys with the Father. He goes as far as to say that the world will know that God sent Jesus as a result of the unity demonstrated by the church. That's a BIG responsibility!

But as we look around at our world today, it feels like division is the cultural norm. According to a Pew Research study in 2021, “77% of Americans said the country was now more divided than before the [COVID-19] outbreak.” That statistic likely comes as a surprise to no one as we are all experiencing the realities of living in a cultural moment rife with unprecedented political, ideological, racial, and economic division. We are living in times of tremendous division, contempt, fear, and mistrust, and default to self-preservation and suspicion of people “on the other side.”

And yet – the call of the church is to protect, fight for, and preserve unity. We carry a commission straight from the mouth of Jesus to be a unified body and set an example of unity for the rest of the world to see as a hopeful alternative.

The good news for us is – like Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes, “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9)!

While our times feel uniquely divisive, the reality is – we've been here before. In Jesus's time, he found himself in the midst of tremendous political and cultural division – and even within his own closest circle of disciples, there was a tax collector (Matthew) who had cozied up to the Roman occupiers working right alongside a Zealot (Simon) whose primary focus was overthrowing the Roman occupation. You can imagine there would be some interesting conversations there!

But Jesus set the example for us today by refusing to give those earthly divisions more oxygen than they needed. He offered a compelling kingdom alternative by embodying and demonstrating the reality that in His Kingdom, what unites us is greater than anything that could divide us. He brought together people from ideologically opposed camps and confounded everyone by continually presenting a “third option.”

The reality is that anytime you bring human beings together in any capacity, there WILL be tensions and friction. We are all different and see things from a different perspective. As Dr. Alicia Brit Chole puts it, "... 'Being one' is awaiting in the presence of devotion and commitment, not the absence of difference and conflict." In other words, unity is a choice!

As you work to build a team and, ultimately, a church, it is imperative to remember that Unity is the soul of fellowship. Protect it, nurture it, enjoy it. The church has an opportunity to demonstrate that unity is possible and to serve as a beacon of hope to the world that is watching.


Take a pastor in your city to launch with no strings attached. Commit to resolving any conflict on your team by addressing it directly and working towards reconciliation. Look for ways to increase the diversity of perspectives on your team.


Focus your heart and mind on John 17:20-23, contemplating the harmonious blend of diversity and unity within the Trinity. Reflect on how this divine interplay serves as a blueprint for fostering unity in our own lives. What is God speaking to you about this?

As you meditate, lift up prayers for unity within your launch team, volunteers, and community of faith in your city. Pray fervently against any forces of division, asking for a spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding to prevail.

Closing Prayer

Lord, help me to be one with you, as the Father, Son, and Spirit are one. Help me to make room for diversity of opinions and ways of thinking on my team. Let me be someone who hears others out and gives them the benefit of the doubt. I pray for unity on our team, peace instead of division, and for us to be a group that works toward reconciliation and honor. Help me model this to our team and our church to bring glory to you through the unity we embrace.


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About this Plan

ARC Church Planting Prayer Guide

This ten day devotional guide, created by ARC church planters, supports you during the pivotal season of starting a new church. Each devotional reflects the unique challenges and joys of this journey by highlighting the importance of prayer to keep your soul rooted in Christ and to enhance your leadership.
