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Survival Guide to Motherhood: A 7-Day Parenting Pep Talkনমুনা

Survival Guide to Motherhood: A 7-Day Parenting Pep Talk

DAY 4 OF 7

Day 4: Setting Your Own Pace

To say a mom is busy is an understatement. But the problem with staying so busy is twofold. One, we never build in margin for ourselves to rest and recharge. And two, we miss wonderful opportunities to teach our children life principles. It’s not that we don’t want to teach them; it’s that we’re so busy we don’t see the opportunities to teach them.

Moms, I can speak to the subject of busyness because I have lived it. I have done the “crazy,” and I have done a little slower pace. And I will tell you this right now: The slower pace is much more peaceful.

I really had to make a decision every year about what pace we would be keeping. I learned early on that the mentality of “I can do it all” didn’t work for me.

Instead of doing it for myself, I asked God for wisdom. James 1:5 says this:

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

This became my life verse when my children were small. I did not know how to parent. I had to depend on God for wisdom. And when I look back now, I realize that God gave me all of what I asked for. I believe He’ll do the same for you! But the key is you have to ask. So ask!

Of course, knowing you need to slow your pace is one thing. Actually, doing it is another. So, let’s talk about three things you can do to slow your pace.

1. Examination

Each year, determine if your family is going in the direction you want to be going. Be honest with yourself. Have your husband do this exercise with you, too. Keep every aspect of your family in mind. Does your husband travel? Are your children young? Are they a little older? How many sports are your children involved in during the year? All these things should affect your decisions. The key to slowing down your pace is to realize you actually are in control. You get to say yes or no to the things in your schedule, but you can’t do that without first examining what’s in your schedule.

2. Action

Putting your plan into action isn’t always easy. You might disappoint some people, either your children or friends, when you tell them you aren’t going to do a certain sport, club, or activity. That’s okay! You don’t have to please everyone. Just keep in mind that you are doing what is best for your family. Because if you don’t keep your family at the top of your priority list, I assure you, no one else will.

3. Contentment

This step might be the hardest of all. Contentment means being happy with whatever season of life you are in. Sometimes that’s going to be really easy! Other times, it just isn’t. Remember that contentment is a learned behavior; it doesn’t come naturally to us. Paul says it best here:

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want (Philippians 4:11-12).

Life is made up of seasons. Be flexible and learn to adjust during the different seasons of life. When your kids are toddlers, you will be home a lot because it’s just easier. When they are young, you will probably either get a sitter to go out or opt not to go at all.

When our children became teenagers, we had to stay at the house all the time to be home for them. This new lifestyle really cramped our weekends. So, my husband Greg and I started to have our dates on Friday afternoons. In other words, we made adjustments to make it work for our family and still be content.

Each season brings new challenges. Rise to the challenge and make it work for your family at your own pace.

As you pray over your schedule, are there any tasks or responsibilities you feel God calling you to release?

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About this Plan

Survival Guide to Motherhood: A 7-Day Parenting Pep Talk

Being a first-time mom is hard—but you are not alone! In this 7-Day plan, author and mom Karen Stubbs provides you with wisdom, encouragement, and companionship on your mothering journey. As you engage in unique aspects of mothering each day, you’ll learn how to battle against perfection, care for your body and spirit, and find rest in your identity in the Lord.
