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Healthy Moneyনমুনা

Healthy Money

DAY 3 OF 5

Day 3: Learning From Financial Experiences

The amazing thing about God is that He promises to be with us no matter what we are going through, whether it is a season of celebration or a season of challenge. As you look back over your life since childhood, where have you seen God at work, specifically in the area of finances? Have you gone through financial challenges? Where did you see God at work? Have you experienced real victories as you learned to manage your money, or even a miracle that could only be explained by God? As you’ve grown in your faith, how has your relationship with money changed?

Often money is viewed as a secular object, but in God’s hands it can become a powerful tool to grow our faith. The challenge can be noticing. Where have you seen God move?

- Opening the door for a job

- Guiding you as you learn to live on a budget

- Providing when you lost a job or their was more month than money

- Renting a first apartment or buying a first car or home

- Increasing your faith to start giving financially or move to tithing 10%

- Self-discipline and patience as you paid off debt

- Connecting you with what you needed through a move

- Rebuilding financially after a hardship

Financial experiences can help us grow in our faith and shape who we are today. The beauty is God’s not done. Whatever you face today, God is with you.

Reflection Questions:

What financial experiences have shaped you positively or negatively over the years since childhood?

Where have you seen God in those moments?

Where do you still need God’s healing, provision, or help today?


God, thank you for the promise of your presence and help. Strengthen and uphold me. Guide me as I process my financial experiences with you and move forward in my faith. Show me where you’ve been working in my life and keep growing me, so I can live more like you. Amen.


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About this Plan

Healthy Money

The "Healthy Money Devotionals" is a five-day journey designed to delve into the underlying mindsets and beliefs that shape our financial behaviors. Rather than providing a step-by-step guide, this series encourages deep reflection and self-awareness, inviting participants to explore the roots of their financial habits through the lens of faith.
