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Let My People Goনমুনা

Let My People Go

DAY 5 OF 5

That they may worship Me

The phrase, 'that they may worship me' is repeated seven times in the book of Exodus (7:16; 8:1; 8:20; 9:1; 9:13; 10:3: 10:7). We see God revealing himself to Pharoah and the Egyptians, and then to his people with the expected result that they would become his worshippers. Egypt did not allow the Israelites a conducive environment for worship. In fact, God’s people joined in the worship of idols as Joshua 24:14 shows:'Now therefore fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the Lord.' (Also, Ezekiel 20:6-9.) The physical condition of the people symbolised their spiritual state. God was going to rescue his people and when that happened, his desire was they would worship him. Worship in Scripture encompasses the whole of life… loving the Lord with all your heart, mind and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5: Matthew. 22:37).

At times, suffering, pain and disillusionment can distract people and cause them to move away from their love and worship of God. Others seek solutions to their problems by combining the worship of God with other worship (syncretism) - wilfully allowing worship of other people or things to take priority. As we seek God’s strategies for intervening in the areas of need he has shown us, we should never lose sight of the ultimate goal… that God has called us to partner with him for the sole purpose of entering into a relationship with him as his worshippers and facilitating his people to do the same (Ex. 20:3).


  • Think of some God-loving people you know who, despite their suffering, continue to be worshippers of God in word and action. What legacy are they leaving? Give thanks to God for them.
  • What aspects of God’s character particularly draw you to worship him? Write down the things you love about God.
  • How do you live in times of pain and suffering? How have you managed to remain a faithful worshipper?
  • In what practical ways can we teach and encourage children and young people to remain true worshippers of God despite their circumstances?
  • In which ways have you noticed the worship of God diminish in your context? How can we develop and model a lifestyle of worship amongst those we serve?


  • Sing: praise for who God is and all his wonderful works.
  • Pray: that we will exemplify worship in all our undertakings - that those we serve and serve with us will be drawn to God because of our worship of him.
  • Pray: for strategies that can facilitate children and young people to know how to life a live of worship.
  • Pray: for the Church of Jesus Christ across the globe, that we will worship God in truth and Spirit.
দিন 4

About this Plan

Let My People Go

In this series, we reflect on the theme ‘Let my people go… that they may worship me’ based on Exodus 3:1-22. God’s people cried out to the Lord for help - He saw, He heard, He felt their pain, and He came to deliver them. May we all heed this same call today - to partner with God in rescuing His people from whatever their bondages might be.
