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Courageous Love: Single Christian Woman Dating for Marriageনমুনা

Courageous Love: Single Christian Woman Dating for Marriage

DAY 4 OF 5

When Samuel was sent to anoint the next king of Israel, he initially thought Eliab, with his impressive appearance and stature, was surely the Lord's chosen one. But God reminded Samuel of a vital truth: God's criteria are different from ours. He looks beyond the surface to the heart.

In today's dating world, it's easy to get caught up in appearances. The handsome man with a charming smile and impeccable style can easily capture your attention. However, as a Christian woman desiring a marriage rooted in God's principles, remember that physical attractiveness should not be your primary focus. Instead, seek a man whose heart aligns with God's will.

Just as God instructed Samuel, look beyond the surface. A man's outward appearance can be deceiving. He may seem perfect on the outside, but if his heart is not right with God, he cannot be the partner God intends for you.

When you meet someone, take the time to observe his actions and listen to his words. Does he display the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control? Does he seek God's will in his life and decisions? Does he treat others with respect and compassion?

Remember, God sees the heart. He knows what you need in a partner far better than you do. Trust Him to guide you to a man whose heart is after His own. Seek God's guidance in recognizing the qualities that truly matter in a partner, and trust that He will lead you to someone whose heart is in the right place.

Think it Over

Take a moment to reflect on your past relationships. Were there times when you focused more on appearance than character? How can you apply God's wisdom in 1 Samuel 16:7 to your future dating choices?


Heavenly Father,

Help me to seek a partner who has a heart aligned with Your will. Give me the discernment to look beyond appearances and recognize the true character of the men I meet. May I trust in Your guidance and wait patiently for the one You have prepared for me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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About this Plan

Courageous Love: Single Christian Woman Dating for Marriage

This devotional is for single women dating in a modern world, to help navigate relationships while maintaining biblical principles. It offers wisdom, encouragement, and practical advice to help maintain faith and integrity in relationships, ensuring your journey aligns with God's love and purpose.
