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24/7 Athletesনমুনা

24/7 Athletes

DAY 2 OF 8


“Stop fighting, and know that I am God, exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth.” – Psalm 46:10

When you take time to be still, it’s not just for physical, mental or emotional rest. As an athlete, a reset is a new way of thinking or doing things, which will free you up to be the best athlete, student, friend or family member that you can be.

The same is even more important for your spiritual well-being. Do you want to experience true freedom in your heart? Be still and be open to a brand-new perspective on life through the Truth found in Jesus.

Be Open

Even though Peter immediately knew Jesus was the Son of God, he still had to go through a process of understanding what that really meant. As Peter followed Jesus, he continued to struggle with performance (based on religious law) and identity (based on cultural expectations). Many times, that struggle manifested itself through probing questions, emotional outbursts and physical conflict.

In order to be freed up, Peter needed to be open to the Truth.

In today’s world, there’s my truth, your truth, his truth, her truth and our truth. But in reality, there is only one Truth—God’s Truth. Here are a few things God’s Word tells us about that Truth:

  • God is the Creator of all things (Genesis 1; Colossians 1:16).
  • Mankind sinned against God (Genesis 3; Romans 3:23).
  • Sin separates you from God (Isaiah 59:2).
  • God sent His only Son Jesus to Earth to die for your sin (John 3:16).
  • Jesus defeated death through the resurrection (Acts 2:24).
  • You can have eternal life through Jesus (John 14:6).

Once you open yourself to the Truth, the next step is to seek wisdom from God’s Word and from Christian believers. This requires humility (admitting you don’t know it all) and patience (realizing you won’t get it all at once).

Be Free

As Peter opened himself to the Truth, he began a journey towards freedom from performance and an understanding of his new identity in Christ. It didn’t happen instantly, however, and he still made mistakes and had some hard lessons to learn.

The same is true for you. When you catch the revelation of who Christ is and who you are in Christ, then you are free to be whom He created and called you to be. It isn’t about who you are and what you do. It’s about who He is and what He wants to do in you and through you.

As Jesus taught His followers,“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)

  • What parts of God’s Truth are you struggling to receive and believe?
  • How might believing the fullness of God’s truth help you be free of those things that are holding you back from being who He created and called you to be?

There’s no better time than now to hit the reset button and allow yourself to start a journey of personal revelation of God’s Truth.

Here are two keys to making best use of your reset:

  • Be open: Consider what God’s Word is saying about you and who you are in Christ. (Ephesians 1:17)
  • Be free: Allow God’s Word to start a process of revelation that will help free you of performance, identity issues, emotional distress and mental stress. (John 8:36)

Consider who Christ is and then, in light of that, think about who you are in Christ and how that might change the trajectory of your life.

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About this Plan

24/7 Athletes

The 24/7 Athletes plan is designed to help competitors go from overwhelmed to overflowing by teaching through the life of Peter. We walk through four themes in this study, Reset, Renew, Refuel and Ready. We need a new perspective on winning. We need to redefine our priorities. We need to take back our time and fill it with the presence of Jesus.
