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DAY 5 OF 5

Day 5: Community Power

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.” Acts 2:42-43

When believers, who all share the same Spirit and the same Father, come together, a multiplication of power happens which is tangible. I remember going to my first Promise Keepers conference in the old Texas Stadium in Dallas. I remember coming into the stadium as 65,000 men sang “Amazing Grace”. There was a power of the Lord I experienced that I will never forget. It reminds me of accounts in the Old Testament when Moses, Nehemiah, David and other Kings and leaders would gather God’s people and they would be cut to the heart. There would be weeping, fasting and repentance.

When Jesus came, He gathered 12 men and when He sent them to do ministry, He sent them two by two. He also instructed them in church discipline and talked about this spiritual principle of community: “I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in My name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:18-20 When we gather in Community, Jesus is with us, and Jesus is powerful!

Of course, after Jesus departed, we read the amazing account of the Holy Spirit falling on the believers on the day of Pentecost as they gathered together. (Acts 2) This is another example of the power of Community. Later in Acts 12, we read the story of Peter being arrested right after bringing many people to the Lord. Herod had plans of shutting Peter up for good. He was in a dismal situation, but it says this:

“The church was earnestly praying to God for him.” Acts 12:5

Guess what happened? An angel miraculously rescued Peter from prison, loosing his chains and walking him right past the guards, through the big iron gate and into freedom. There was a power in the prayers of the Christian Community!

After I went through my first discipleship group, I really understood the power of Community. I saw the elements that Acts described of the early church of studying God’s teaching from His Word, an enjoyment of each other, meals, and communion together and prayer. I saw men set free from past sins and Satan’s strongholds, I saw the Spirit come alive in men, I saw visions given to men’s hearts, I saw healing take place. I, like the early believers, was filled with awe.

Many have described discipleship groups like Navy Seals, a tough group of unwavering, committed men who are ready to face the battle. Interestingly, I’m starting a new group right now, and one of the recruits is a pastor’s kid who has grown up around the church. When asked why he was drawn to The Journey, he said, “I see a calmness in these guys no matter the turbulence around them.”

When you get a group of people seeking God in His Word, abiding in Christ, living out their spiritual gifts and gathering, there is definitely power. It is the same power I felt in that Promise Keepers conference and the same power present on the day of Pentecost.

I hope this clarifies the importance and necessity for Christians to be in Community. Of course, one great form of Community is being a part of a discipleship group. My ministry, Influencers Global Ministries, calls these Journey Groups, and we can help you find one near you. However, if you are in a season where you are not in a discipleship group, please make sure you are still part of Christian Community. You desperately need the encouragement, wisdom, blessing, and power that Community provides…and you need it ALL THE MORE AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING.

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About this Plan


Community was written into our DNA by God. We like to be connected to other people and be a part of their lives. God has something incredibly special for us within Christian community. This week, we will explore the blessing of this thing called Community.
