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Faith Basicsনমুনা

Faith Basics

DAY 6 OF 6

The final Faith Basic that the writer of Hebrews addresses are the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment. These two fundamentals of our faith are HUGE, so let’s dive right in.

In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul teaches that because Jesus defeated death, we have confident hope that we too will rise again (v.14). Those who were following Jesus when they died will be the first to be resurrected (v.15-16), then those who are still living will join them in the air (v.17). All of this will be obvious and bodily (v.16) - it will not happen in secret.

This Faith Basic is not a lifeless doctrine! It produces real hope for the believer. It provides us peace in grief, endurance in suffering, patience in hardship, and encouragement when we need it most.

Revelation 20 describes the judgment at the Great White Throne. Here every person stands before Jesus and a search is made to see if their name is written in the Book of Life. Those whose names are written in the Book of Life spend eternity with God, while those whose names are not written are separated from God for all of eternity.

A person’s name is written in the Book of Life when they acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus and become his follower (Romans 10:8-13). Salvation comes only by God’s grace through faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection (Ephesians 2:8-9).

The doctrine of eternal judgment produces in us the desire to tell others about God’s grace offered to them in Jesus Christ so that as many people as possible can spend eternity with God.

At Groundwire, we equip Christians to tell hurting people about Jesus. We invite hurting people to come talk with a Christian who cares, and our trained volunteer coaches work to introduce them to Jesus, the One who can heal all of their hurts. Since 2017, we have seen over 1.5 million people make professions of faith. That’s a bunch of new names in the Book of Life!

We would love for you to join us! You can learn more at groundwire.net/coaching.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the encouragement and hope the coming resurrection offers me. Please help me to grow in my passion to introduce others to Jesus so that many people may spend eternity with you. Amen.

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About this Plan

Faith Basics

Milk is one of the first life basics that a baby needs when they are born. When a person receives new life in Jesus, there are some spiritual basics that will help them grow and thrive as a follower of Jesus. Join us as we explore some of those Faith Basics spelled out in the Book of Hebrews!
