He Cheatedনমুনা

He Cheated.
Devotional Day 1:
Our Lord Jesus wants us to call on Him, and shout to Him. He wants us to lament and reveal our pain to Him through our heart ache and grief.
“Listen to my words Lord, consider my lament." -Psalms 5:1
This translates into, Lord, please hear my pain and my suffering so you can restore my soul! Please, God, hear my hurt and devastation. Lord, please meet me where I am so I can feel your sovereignty even in this volatile moment because I know that you will restore my violation for your victory! He is with you in this season of betrayal and He is sitting with you in your emotions and feelings and wants you to lean into Him for this journey.
The first step is to pray and seek His face. You see, we have to be bold with our prayers even through our suffering. The Bible says that we must be content in every circumstance. Did you catch that, every? Not some, not most, not almost; ALL AND EVERY.
"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength." -Philippians 4:11-13
There are times when I HATE the words all and every. Well, who am I kidding, I dislike it ALL of the time. No one can be all and every all the time. I think this comes from becoming numb to broken lies and promises, or possibly people over-exaggerating their words throughout my life, and my level of tolerance for it being extremely limited.
Some of those times have been men in my life making these statements, knowing good and well they would not keep them. But, guess what? God always keeps them! He ALWAYS keeps his word and He said you are worthy! You are enough! You were created for a purpose and even through this situation, He has a calling and destiny for your life.
It is the intentionality with our words that we must hold onto while we are asking God to meet our needs. In what ways are you intentional with your prayers to God? Are you praying boldly about your circumstances? When I think about praying boldly, I think about David in the Bible. David, this small man who killed giants, lions, and bears, prayed boldly. He had a mission and a desire, and He did not stop until God fulfilled them. He prayed fervently and without doubt.
One of my Pastor’s favorite sayings is, “Christians don’t tell lies, they sing them.” My mouth almost dropped to the floor when I heard this. In fact, I think I said “wow” out loud in the middle of the sermon. Because, WOW, it’s so true. We are so quick to tell Him that we give Him everything; think about all of the songs we sing that say, “You are worthy of it all; you are all I need; you are my rock and my fortress; you are God alone”- but is He? I mean, I know that HE IS, but is he in our personal life? Is he in your personal life? Is He within this circumstance of betrayal? Have you laid it at His feet to tend to?
Is He worthy of it all? Is He worthy of laying your pain at the foot of the cross even when you feel like your whole world, family, stability, and heart are shattered? Yes, He is. He is worthy and He is able of all things.
About this Plan

He Cheated, now what? What does the Bible say about you, your feelings of betrayal, and your journey to healing? God restores, heals the broken hearted, will never leave you, and He will never forsake you! Man will fail you, but God will never waiver.
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