The Bible in 12 Days : Discover God’s Story of Redemptionনমুনা

Part 2: God’s Merciful Intervention
Scripture Covering this Period:
- Genesis 12-50
- c. 2000 - 1850BC
Main Points:
1. God sets His plan of redemption in motion by making a covenant with Abraham, which He passes on to Isaac and Jacob. God promises to:
- Make a great nation of Abraham’s descendants
- Give his descendants the Promised Land
- Bless all families of the earth through this family
2. God is faithful to His covenant and gracious to those who have faith in Him—even if they do not always act by that faith.
3. By God’s design, this chosen family ends up in Egypt.
Part 1 of the Bible shows us that, when left to themselves, humans do not choose God or surrender to His rule. So what does God do? He intervenes and initiates a plan to redeem the world that is rebelling against Him. He chooses an imperfect man—Abraham—not because of anything he did but because he responded with faith to God’s promise. When God called Abraham to “go” to an unknown land, he went. God’s sovereign plan is shown to be always at work, even when it looks like everything is falling apart.
About this Plan

This plan is a guide to discover God’s story as it unfolds in the Bible - from Genesis through Revelation. Over 12 days, each devotional will introduce one part of that story. Each will list the Scripture passages covering that period, and dates, highlight its main points and briefly summarize the part it plays within the context of God’s redemptive plan. The Bible reading each day should take about 30 minutes.