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When Your Way Isn't Workingনমুনা

When Your Way Isn't Working

DAY 5 OF 5

Stay Connected No Matter What - Day 5

“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” (John 15:8)

My oldest daughter’s best friend in kindergarten was a girl named Jana Robey. I have many memories of the two of them. I remember looking in the rearview mirror and seeing the two of them in the back seat of the car, just being silly, having fun. I would never have imagined that sixteen years later I would be standing in front of the church sanctuary, officiating Jana’s funeral.

For six and a half years, she had battled cancer. Incredible courage and faith, and during that time, cancer took so much from her. Jana lost a lot of her hearing. She was losing her sight. She spent much of her time in a wheelchair. Due to some paralysis in her face, she struggled to speak clearly. And cancer just robbed Jana of being able to do so much. But I was amazed at how much her life produced. Jana taught all of us what it looked like to stay connected, to abide in Christ when the harsh waves of life just kept coming in one after another.

Whenever I officiate a funeral, I’ll sit down with the close friends and family members of the person who’s passed away, and I’ll ask them questions. I’ll ask them, “What was this person known for?” Sometimes the room is quiet. People aren’t sure what to say. Sometimes the answers are sad. But I’ll never forget what Jana’s friends and family said.

When I asked them the question, “What was she known for?” I guess I wasn’t sure what to expect. She didn’t hold any records. She didn’t have any titles or advanced degrees, but I started writing as people spoke of her life. An older uncle who was once a pastor said, “She transformed my prayer life.” An older aunt said, “She taught me how to be grateful and not complain.” A younger cousin said, “She taught me that faith in Jesus is really real.” I asked them, “What words would you use to describe her?” Here are the words I wrote down. Someone said, “Peace.” She fought cancer for years and was constantly in and out of the hospital dealing with all kinds of pain and disappointment, but she was known for peace. Another person said, “Kindness.”

If anyone had a right to feel sorry for themselves and put their needs first, it was Jana, but she was known for her thoughtfulness to others. She was the one who would send the prayer cards and notes of encouragement. Somebody else said, “Faithfulness.” Even though it seemed that her prayers were never answered the way that she wanted, Jana never turned away from God. She was faithful and she testified of His faithfulness to the end. Someone else said, “Love.”

Jana was known for the way she loved people, not just the friends and family in that room, but the dozens of doctors and nurses who cared for her over the years. “Joy.” That was actually the first word mentioned and the one that was most repeated. Six and a half years of pain and suffering, and she was known for joy.

I remembered a year earlier, when I had her on my podcast and she was sharing her story. I was trying to get her to complain at least a little bit so that the listeners would know how hard things had been and better understand what she had gone through, and she just wouldn’t do it. I tried to prompt her, “Jana, what about losing your hair as a teenage girl? That must have been difficult.” Her response? “It was, but I’ve always liked to wear hats.” And I was just so inspired by the fruit her life produced.

So no matter what happens, no matter what kind of trouble you face, even when things never seem to work your way, remember, be the branch and stay connected to the vine.


Lord Jesus, may my connection to You show others the glory of the Father.


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