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Son of Man: Retelling the Stories of Jesus by Charles Martinনমুনা

Son of Man: Retelling the Stories of Jesus by Charles Martin

DAY 2 OF 7

In the Power of Jesus

It had been a busy and full two days. On the first, Jesus cleansed a leper, healed a centurion’s servant, healed Peter’s mother-in-law, and, when evening came, He cast demons out of many and healed all who were sick. The following day, needing rest and a break from the crowd, He climbed into a boat with the Twelve and took a nap, only to be awakened a short time later by one of them telling Him how they were all about to die. He rebuked the wind and waves, and all of the disciples for their lack of faith, and then exited the boat in the region of the Gadarenes, where He cast a legion of demons out of a crazed man. With the man now clothed, seated, and in his right mind, Jesus again loaded into the boat and crossed back over to His own city, where they brought Him a paralytic. Jesus forgave his sins, healed him, and the man rose and walked home.

One of the synagogue officials came and told Jesus that his daughter was nearly dead. The man pleaded with Him to come and lay hands on his little girl. Jesus turned that direction but slowed in the street to allow a broken and bleeding woman to touch the hem of His garment. When she did, she was healed. The worried father tugged on Jesus’ arm. Jesus followed him to his house to find the girl dead and people wailing loudly. Unfazed, Jesus raised the little girl to life and then healed two blind men on His way out of town. While the blind men were still dancing and screaming in the street, Jesus healed another demon-possessed man.

The Twelve are watching this with rapt attention. Their heads on swivels.

Until now, the disciples had some context for the miracles Jesus had performed. But there was one miracle for which they had no context: the casting out of demons.

Not only was it new, but it was becoming commonplace in Jesus’ ministry.

Before the disciples can wrap their heads around what they are seeing with their own eyes, Jesus calls the Twelve together. He is about to do something amazing.

He gave His twelve disciples power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. (Matthew 10:1)

The Twelve do as their Master has instructed. “They departed and went through the towns, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere.” (Luke 9:6)

Jesus pulls them away secretly to Bethsaida for a debriefing, but the crowds hear of His presence and start amassing in large numbers. Jesus, who’d given the disciples all authority and power, says, “You give them something to eat.” (Luke 9:13)

A quick inventory reveals five loaves and two fish. A quick head count reveals five thousand men—close to twenty thousand people when wives and children are included.

To their amazement, Jesus feeds the crowd, and they collect twelve baskets of leftover food fragments. This is the whirlwind in which the disciples find themselves. “And they were all amazed at the majesty of God.” (Luke 9:43)

Amazed? These men are out of their minds. They can’t believe what they are seeing. Heaven has come to earth. The kingdom of God is at hand.

Then comes the cross.


Share a time in your life or the life of a loved one when the Lord did something miraculous.

Do you need a miracle today? Write a prayer seeking the Lord’s help in the situation.


Lord Jesus, thank You that there is nothing in my life too big for You to handle or forgive.


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About this Plan

Son of Man: Retelling the Stories of Jesus by Charles Martin

Experience the Bible come to life. Charles Martin uses his storyteller's imagination to present the life of Jesus in a way that will engage your faith in new ways and draw you into a deeper understanding and love for the Savior. These seven daily readings are based on Charles Martin’s book Son of Man: Retelling the Stories of Jesus.
