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Bad Reviewsনমুনা

Bad Reviews

DAY 3 OF 7

Chapter 5: "Make More Money"

This chapter has been shortened for the Bible app

Proverbs 13:11 says, “Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.”

Dishonest money could mean many things today, such as being received through stealing, shady business deals, poor habits, exploiting yourself, or a quick fix to get what you need. Unethical money, since often acquired quickly, can disappear rather quickly or bring unwanted hardship to your life. Although it may be tempting to make a lot of money in a hurry, King Solomon writes that building your money is how it can grow properly. Hard work and allowing time for your bank account to grow may not be all that appealing, but it will be based on something tangible that cannot be easily diminished.

If you have grown up in the church, you have heard about tithing and the importance of giving to further the kingdom. You may have heard stories of people who were blessed financially and can now bless others, which shows what a beautiful ecosystem God has. My prayer for us is that we could be so blessed that we can bless those around us. After all, we are called to be stewards of our money. Stewardship means being responsible for what we have: budgeting for expenses, giving to God, and having fun! You can still make plans with friends, go on dates, and get that coffee; you just have to budget. We should not feel guilty for spending the money we have worked hard for as long as we can manage the spending properly. It’s also crucial to not spend our money on practices that will take us away from God or spend money we don’t have.

If you have not grown up in the church, then the concept of giving to God may seem foreign to you. This is not to force you into giving or pressure you into that particular act of worship. Scripture says in 2 Corinthians 9:7, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” We give to God first because he first gave to us. It is to establish priorities in our lives: God, then family, then work. Now some of you may be in such a bad financial place that you would slide further into crippling debt in order to give to God. If that is the case, do not slide further into debt! The whole purpose of giving to God is to give our own money to him, not borrowed money. Dedicate your time and money to getting out of that pit so that one day you can give cheerfully.

One major problem young adults face regarding their finances is competing with others. We see our friends buying expensive clothes, nice cars, or purchasing a dream home, and it eats away at our pride. Wanting to thrive is a fantastic goal, but it may take longer to get there for some. You may have more debt, a job that does not pay as well, or those people may not be making financially intelligent decisions. Whatever the occasion, do not lose hope, and do not concern yourself with the finances of others. That is a distraction from the enemy to have you spend your money on things you do not need or bet your hard-earned money only to lose it all.

As the Proverb at the beginning of the chapter states, there is nothing foolish about gathering money a little bit at a time. Financial success also relies on your definition of it. For some, it may be having a big family; for others, it could be having a studio apartment with your dream job. Regardless of what you deem as success, the bible considers financial success as providing for our families, taking care of our debt, giving to the church, and blessing others. Romans 13:8, “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.”

Money can be a dangerous evil that ruins our lives, or it can be a beacon of love and trust for God; it depends on how you use it.

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About this Plan

Bad Reviews

Are you a people pleaser? Do you say yes to get approval from others despite Godly conviction to say no? Bad Reviews helps the reader handle rejection from the world in a Christ-like way. Each chapter focuses on a different bad review, such as "Make More Money" or "You Seem Stuck." It is time to stop searching for validation in a world where it does not exist because true acceptance only comes from seeking God.
