When Life Gets Tough... Smile! Gods Amazing Plan for You!নমুনা

Try again!
For those of you who read these daily miracles to your family, please know that today's "miracle" has some sensitive content.
Do you know how many times, back when I was trying to get free from bulimia, I vomited again after eating and then cried out to God, "It's not worth trying. I'll never make it—I'll never be free!"
"The Lord said to [Elijah], 'Go back the way you came, and go to the Desert of Damascus. When you get there…'" (1 Kings 19:15, NIV)
I'm sure Elijah had no desire to go back where he'd been. After all, he had just walked through this dry desert, where he'd collapsed and wanted to die! (see 1 Kings 19:4)
Go back through it one more time? Really? Yes, because God had given him a new mission. That seems to be God's recipe for success. Jesus even commanded His disciples, who had caught no fish all night, "…'Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.'" (Luke 5:4, NIV)
The fishermen were frustrated. Simon responds, "...'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything…'" (Luke 5:5, NIV). But now, listen carefully to what Simon says next: "'...But because You say so, I will let down the nets.'" (Luke 5:5, NIV)
The fishermen had probably the biggest and best catch of their lives because they took the commission seriously!
Yes, God is also saying to you today, "Try again! Go back through the desert! Cast your nets for a catch!" Maybe you, too, have returned there a hundred times without success, but when God asks you to do something, keep at it anyway because He promises to help you:
"…And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13, NIV)
God has a plan for your problems! That's why you can keep going forward, even without understanding, and experience His power.
It's going to be a wonderful day! Cast your net. Try again!
You are a miracle!
About this Plan

Have you ever had a “week”? The kind of week that by the weekend you are ready to give everything up? Have hope! God has an amazing plan for you amidst your problems! It’s hard to smile through the hard times, but be reminded: God is there with you, with a more amazing plan that you can imagine!