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Raising Your Children to Love Jesus Christনমুনা

Raising Your Children to Love Jesus Christ

DAY 3 OF 5

Day 3: Teach and Talk About the Bible

Your children come to you with many physical needs. They are totally dependent upon you for food, clothing, and shelter. But even more importantly, your children need you to provide spiritual nutrition. Jesus taught that all of us, including our children, do not live on bread alone but on every Word that comes from the mouth of God. We all need that daily manna to feed our souls. That brings us to the third commitment we want to make.

A disciple-making parent will teach and talk about the Bible.

While we can be thankful for children's and youth ministers in the church, a quick survey of the Scriptures reveals that God gives parents the privilege and responsibility of teaching their children. Throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament, parents are commanded to instruct their children in what God has revealed in his Word.

Me? I don't feel qualified to teach my children the Bible!

Many of us feel that way, but God gives us little children for a reason. While we certainly need others to instruct our children, one teaching time a week is not enough. Is one meal a week enough? No, of course not.

We also provide spiritual nourishment at home. How? Deuteronomy 6:7 clearly commands parents to both teach and talk about the Scripture. Similarly, our own instruction can use both instruction and conversation. We have the awesome privilege of teaching and talking about God and his Book to our children.

How do we teach? Jesus, the Master Teacher, instructed in many ways. While he did use lectures, he also used stories, metaphors, and even questions. Teaching is more than telling. The goal is to be an informed and motivated student, not a verbose teacher.

But Deuteronomy 6:7 also makes clear that we are to talk about the Scriptures throughout our day. In a non-domineering, non-suffocating, grace-filled way, we can bring one piece of Scripture into our morning and evening routine, our mealtimes, or our travel time. Bedtime books and family devotions are all simple ways to instruct our little ones. Older ones need teaching in different ways, but we are still responsible for seeing they receive it.

As you obey the Lord in instructing your children, you will find a surprising result in your own life. You will be reminded of simple truths that you need for your own life. You will be encouraged in your walk. The teacher often learns more than the student.

Ask the Lord to guide you in ways to instruct your children. He will.


Father, thank you for the incredible gift of your Word. Thank you to all who have invested and taught me. What a joy that I now have that same privilege to teach the souls you have entrusted to me. I feel so inadequate. I also confess that I have not always fulfilled this call to instruct my children. I have let fear and distraction stop me. Would you make the Word a delight to me? And would you guide me to books or resources that can help me teach the children you have given me? By your grace, may we be a family that is grounded in your Word. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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About this Plan

Raising Your Children to Love Jesus Christ

Your children will either live forever with Jesus or apart from him. Too many growing up in Christian homes will not follow Christ as adults. Do you have a strategy for parenting in today's hostile culture? In this 5-day study, you will learn the responsibility and privilege God has given you in raising your children, inspired by the book The Disciple-Making Parent.
