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"When You're Hoping for a Miracle" in American Sign Languageনমুনা

"When You're Hoping for a Miracle" in American Sign Language

DAY 4 OF 29

Will You Give It All?
By Rick Warren

“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” (John 6:9 NIV)

God waits to see what we're going to do with what we have before he steps in and turns a little into a lot. The Apostle John, in his account of the feeding of the 5,000, tells us that the hero of the story is a little boy: “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” (John 6:9 NIV)

There are three things to note about this little boy.

He gave what he had. The boy didn't have much, but he gave what he had. Never underestimate what God can do through ordinary people and limited resources given to him in faith. If you want to be used by God, just be available.

He gave God all he had. The boy gave all five loaves and both fish. He didn’t hold anything back from God. If you want a miracle in your life, you cannot hold anything back from God.

He gave it immediately when it was asked for. The boy didn’t hesitate. As soon as Jesus needed it, the boy gave it to him.

Why don’t we give like that when we need a miracle? Either we don’t believe that God will take care of our needs if we give sacrificially to him or we think, “What’s the use? How could my little bit help?”

The important thing is to be willing to give as much as we can. That is what God accepts.

Talk It Over

What fears keep you from giving sacrificially?

What is “all you have”? What do you think God expects you to give?

How can you show God that you are willing to give everything you have?


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About this Plan

"When You're Hoping for a Miracle" in American Sign Language

You can live for weeks without food, days without water, and seconds without air, but you cannot live without hope! In this series, Pastor Rick shares how the hope of Jesus’ Resurrection means God is still able to do a miracle in your life.
