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Finding and Flourishing in Your Place in the Churchনমুনা

Finding and Flourishing in Your Place in the Church

DAY 22 OF 30


As believers, our relationship with God the Father is in two dimensions: with Jesus, and with the Holy Ghost. Our relationship with Jesus as our Savior brings us into the family of God, making us become sons of God. Our position as sons of God is spiritual. Though we still bear our natural fathers’ names and possess the physical features of our parents, when we become born again, the nature of God takes over inside us. It may not affect our physical appearance, but it overhauls our spiritual genetics and the totality of our manifestations in life.

Your position as a child of God makes you a prince of the Kingdom of heaven and makes God your Father. However, there are things that the position makes available but may not affect your life until the Holy Spirit steps in. Through the Holy Spirit, the things of God begin to show forth in the life of a believer so much that one could say, “Oh! That person is a child of God!” This relationship with the Holy Spirit is what takes your sonship through Jesus Christ from the level of what you just profess with your mouth to what affects your life. It is your responsibility to have and maintain these two-level relationships with God.

We need the Holy Spirit for us to glorify God daily in our lives. Look at John 16:7 (NKJV), “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you”. The Helper mentioned here is the Holy Spirit.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit, You are my Helper. I receive Your help to live as a son of God and please You daily, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

About this Plan

Finding and Flourishing in Your Place in the Church

After genuine salvation, God places His children in a church family where they can flourish, blossom, bud, and fill the face of the earth with fruits. Church is God-ordained and when He brings you to a church, beyond a seat in the church, He gives you a spot in your pastor’s heart. This 30-day study would lead you into an experience and understanding of correct church membership.
