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Wasting Faithনমুনা

Wasting Faith

DAY 2 OF 7


Once we have submitted to the will of God, we must walk according to His commandments. However, we are born into sin, and we are incapable of saving ourselves from it, so how can we walk according to God’s Word?

But I say, walk in the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. [Galatians 5:16, ESV]

Paul tells us that the way that we can resist the desires of the flesh is by walking in the Spirit. In other words, we must fully submit to God’s will as well as God’s authority. When we put Christ first and we seek His will for our lives, we can walk in the Spirit, which gives us the ability to resist our sinful desires.

While we are called to be perfect, God knows human nature, and He knows that we will always fall short of His glory. The key to walking in the Spirit, despite falling short of God’s glory, is to have a repentant heart.

By having a repentant heart, one will not find pleasure in sin. A repentant heart cannot stand sin, does not desire sin, and is constantly working to become more like the example that Jesus Christ gave us. A repentant heart does not make one perfect, but repentance is what will drive a person to reform their behavior, in order to do what God calls us to do.

On the other hand, a heart of unrepentance will prevent us from walking in the Spirit.

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. [1 John 1:8-10, ESV]

In order to walk with God, to discern His Voice, to know His will, and to walk in faith, one must repent of his sin, turn to Christ, and ask for forgiveness. The Bible tells us that God is merciful and that He will always forgive us when we confess our sins to Him. We sin, and we fall short, but we must always seek to turn from our sin, to turn to Christ, and to walk according to His commandments.

Pray; ask God to identify what needs to be changed in your life, and as soon as the Holy Spirit identifies something, address it. Some issues may be difficult to deal with, but when we ask God for help, He will help us resist sin. Perhaps you may need to throw some things out, distance yourself from certain people, forgive somebody, or make some other kind of change to how you live your life. If the Holy Spirit points out something that would require a significant change in your life, it would be wise to ask another mature Christian for their input. Having a clear conscience will have a profound impact on your walk with God.


  1. Has the Holy Spirit identified something that needs to be changed in your life?
  2. What do you think Paul means when he talks about walking in the Spirit?
  3. What can you do today to honor God?
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About this Plan

Wasting Faith

When God gives us the gift of faith, it is imperative that we are good stewards of the gift that we have received. If we are not careful, we may delay what God wants to do in our lives. By the end of this plan, you should have a solid understanding of how to protect the faith that you have received so that you can watch the Lord work powerfully in your life. Faith is a gift, and we must protect it.
