31 Day Daily Championনমুনা

Proverbs 31:2
“Listen, my son! Listen, son of my womb! Listen, my son, the answer to my prayers!”
A son is an answer to a mother’s prayers.
Many people have speculated about who King Lemuel is. The son who is being addressed in Proverbs 31. Most scholars have concluded that Lemuel, which means “for God,” is one of King Solomon’s names. Thus, this is a desperate cry from Bathsheba to her son.
Bathsheba’s voice is raised, intense, and emphatic, “my son, the answer to my prayers!” The desperation in her voice comes from the pain of her life, the seduction of King David, her whorish betrayal of her righteous husband, Uriah, and the death of her out-of-wedlock pregnancy. The emotions are too much to withhold; she wants to warn her son about the trappings of women and how to pursue a righteous woman, the famed Proverbs 31 woman.
She says, “Listen, my son, the answer to my prayers!” She had prayed in desperation for him. He is a product of God’s grace! He is the living testimony that, despite all of her sins, God has forgiven her. Her son has inherited the throne of David, an everlasting kingdom. Imagine! Her son is in the lineage of the very throne that the Savior would sit upon! Wow! Can you shout, “Grace!”
Recently, I examined the circumstances of my mother’s pain in life: betrayal, adultery, alcoholism, and more. Yet, I also know this: my mother prayed for me. She desperately wanted to see her son live a purposeful, rewarding life.
The son of a promise is an answer to prayer.
About this Plan

Champions do daily what the average do occasionally. So fire up your passion, determination, and purpose to be a champion. The FivestarMan Daily Champion is your source for positive change and a champion’s mentality.
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