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Full of Worryনমুনা

Full of Worry

DAY 6 OF 7


Our Lord has reasoned with us. We’re not just His servants, we’re His children, and He knows and cares about what we need. He’ll supply those things so that our anxieties are illogical—unjustified. If we would just believe the truth, there’s nothing to worry or to be anxious about—which is why He keeps repeating the phrase, “O you of little faith” (Matthew 6:30).

The third reason we don’t have to be afraid, and we can rest tonight, is that God grants liberty to His servants for a singular focus and a singular concern. “Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the gentiles seek after all these things” (Matthew 6:31–32a). Gentiles live as if there is no God. They certainly don’t trust Him because they don’t know Him, but that is not the case with you. You’re not to live like that. Why? “Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all” (Matthew 6:32b). Instead of being full of worry, here’s what you are to do: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

You are liberated. You are free to devote yourself to a singular focus and concern: Serve God, serve His Kingdom, serve His purposes in every realm and walk of life. And know He’ll take care of the rest. He’ll meet all your needs. You just focus on serving Him.

Do you know that sometimes Christians feel guilty because they don’t feel anxious? They say, “You know, things are going so well. Should I be nervous?” Like, we feel guilty, and we’re waiting for the other shoe to drop. Not only should you not be full of anxiety when the other shoe has not yet dropped, but you also shouldn’t be full of anxiety when it drops. Because no matter what circumstance you’re going through, what your Lord is saying to you is, “Keep your eyes on serving Me, and I’ll take care of you.”

That makes life simple, doesn’t it? Set your focus every day on living your life in a way that pleases God, and God will take care of what you need. Liberation. Don’t ever feel guilty because you’re full of joy while resting in the Lord. That’s how He means for you to live.

দিন 5দিন 7

About this Plan

Full of Worry

What power does your worrying have? It is the most unproductive, impotent thing you’ll ever do. It changes nothing. Jesus teaches us it is all in God’s sovereign hands. God’s plan for your life is not helped by your anxiety. Our Lord knows what we need. He cares for us. He has a purpose for our lives, and He’s going to make sure it’s fulfilled.
