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A Hope Eternal - Advent Devotionalনমুনা

A Hope Eternal - Advent Devotional

DAY 25 OF 29

What rules our hearts? During this busy season of Advent, many things vie for our attention. Our “to-do” list grows longer each day. Lights need to be untangled and hung, trees assembled and decorated, Christmas cards addressed and mailed, gifts purchased and wrapped, parties planned and attended, cookies baked and distributed, sermons prepared and delivered, and church programs rehearsed and performed. Unaware, our peace can be easily replaced with hurry and worry!

Paul reminds the church at Colossae to let the peace of Christ rule our hearts, not the responsibilities we carry or the stress we feel to get it all done. This peace is the same “peace on earth” announced to the shepherds the night Jesus was born. The Prince of Peace entered the world to be the Ruler of our hearts, to establish His Kingdom on earth (Isaiah 9:6,7). His peace overshadows our anxiety. Isn’t it ironic that the season where we are to reflect on peace is frequently the season when we lose it?

The word for rule in this verse is used only once in the New Testament. The secular context refers to a referee in sporting games. The call of the referee stands—there is no discussion! You can see why Paul chose this word to explain to his readers how Christ is to rule in our hearts. His Word stands, and it’s not open to negotiation. When the Prince of Peace governs us, His peace fills our hearts and overflows onto others around us. Peace does not take away the “to-do” list, but the Ruler of our hearts surrounds us with His presence to be with us in all we do.

We should be encouraged that we can walk through this season, no matter how long the list of things to do is, with the peace that was announced to the world, “Glory to God, in the highest, and peace on earth to those on whom His favor rests” (Luke 2:14). The Prince of Peace has come to rule our hearts and that makes all the difference. Advent reminds us to let God’s peace saturate us so we can go through life with a thankful heart!


Heavenly Father, thank you for sending the Prince of Peace to restore our relationship with You and to help us live in peace with others. Forgive us for allowing expectations, people, and activities to crowd out the peace You have given us. We ask that You rule our hearts with Your peace and that it overflows into thanksgiving. We set You on the throne of our hearts this Advent season and always. Amen!

Dana Cavallaro, D.Min., serves as an adjunct faculty member for the Regent University School of Divinity.

About this Plan

A Hope Eternal - Advent Devotional

A Hope Eternal – Advent Devotional explores the biblical themes of hope, joy, love, and peace as we celebrate the first coming and await the final return of Christ Jesus. Journey with Regent University School of Divinity’s faculty and staff as our hearts are once again recaptured by the Holy Spirit, focused on the eternal hope found in the incarnation of God’s Son, our Prince of Peace.
