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Stewarding Your Thoughtsনমুনা

Stewarding Your Thoughts

DAY 3 OF 5

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" Romans 12:2

The pattern of this world wants to keep us bound. Imprisoned in the lies that our worth has to be earned and true freedom is in doing whatever our deceitful hearts want.

We are called out of that system through the process of renewing our minds in Christ Jesus.

But what does it mean to renew our mind?

I believe it’s about interpreting life through the lens of God’s word rather than through our experience, circumstances, trauma, etc. It’s being rooted and grounded in truth - testing every thought against what God says.

Renewing our mind allows us to recognize the lies of the enemy - take the thoughts captive - and replace it with God’s truth.

It is a very real way we put on the helmet of salvation - pointing to the finished work of the cross - as we arm ourselves to live out our faith in this world.

Renewing your mind is not something you just do once. The world, the enemy, even your own sin nature, are constantly at work trying to get your mind full of confusion, doubt, pride, self righteousness and anxiety. So renewing your mind is something you have to practice daily.

When you think you are not good enough, you talk back to that thought with the truth that you are chosen by God.

When you think you hate your body, you talk back to that thought with the truth that you are wonderfully made.

Affirming truth over yourselves daily is crucial in fostering a thought life in line with the word of God.

Knowing the Word of God is crucial! How can you replace the lies with truth if you are not well versed in truth?


  1. How can you practice renewing your mind daily?
  2. Are you getting into the word daily and arming yourself with the truths of God?
  3. Are there certain thoughts that keep attacking you? What scriptures can you find to speak truth over yourself?


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About this Plan

Stewarding Your Thoughts

One of the biggest battles we face is in our minds. Our thoughts drive our feelings, which often dictate our behaviours and shape our lives. In this 5-day study, we will look at 5 different Scriptures and apply them to become better stewards of our thoughts and, in turn, walk more in God's will for our lives.
