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21-Day Devotional for Christian Writersনমুনা

21-Day Devotional for Christian Writers

DAY 16 OF 21

There comes a point in a writer’s life when they experience the wilderness. It usually manifests itself in empty computer screens and a suspension in creativity. Our natural inclination is to fight this process, believing it’s something to be avoided and fought at all costs, which as you can see from today’s reading is not entirely true. Rather than fighting the wilderness season, perhaps it’s time to think about it differently. Perhaps the wilderness is exactly where God wants you. Think about it: ‘Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit… was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.’ And once there, he fasted for 40 days, and here’s a telling fact, ‘He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them, he was hungry.’ From this, we can conclude that during those 40 days of fasting, he was supernaturally sustained by God, the same God who filled him with the Holy Spirit before leading him into the wilderness. What can we learn from this? Most important, that the wilderness season is hard. However, we are not alone in that time. Just like God fortified Jesus with the Holy Spirit before leading him into the wilderness, he will do the same for you (fortify and strengthen you for the season to come). Dear friend, embrace your wilderness season. As you can see from today’s verse, it is a process that God sometimes initiates, if only to refine an aspect of our character that has got His attention. What do you think God is trying to tell you during your wilderness season?
