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The Three Lovesনমুনা

The Three Loves

DAY 4 OF 7

Loving God - Prayer

As I draw near to you God, would you draw near to me? Teach me to pray. Speak Lord, your servant is listening.

Pause and pray

We are reflecting on the three loves at the heart of the Christian faith and how we can express these loves through six practices, or holy habits. So far, we’ve explored loving God through creativity, loving our neighbour through hospitality, and now we reflect on loving God through prayer. Together we will reflect on the teaching of Jesus and on the life of a hero of faith, Corrie Ten Boom; a deeply inspiring woman who practiced prayer under the most challenging circumstances.

Corrie Ten Boom was born in 1892, and her faith, her brave action during the Second World War, and her subsequent teaching on prayer, inspires and challenges me today.

Growing up near Amsterdam in The Netherlands, Corrie was part of a well-respected Christian family. From a young age she gave her time and energy to helping others, including children with additional needs. After the Nazi invasion in 1940, the Ten Booms hid an estimated 800 resistance fighters and Jews in their home, protecting them until they could be moved to safe houses.

In February 1944, the Ten Booms were betrayed. The family was arrested, but Corrie was able to protect the Jews and resistance fighters in their home by hiding them in a secret space in her bedroom.

During her imprisonment, Corrie was first placed in solitary confinement and interrogated. She and her sister Betsie were then put in a Dutch concentration camp, and later moved to a German camp for women. Even in these harsh and harrowing conditions Corrie and Betsie led a nightly prayer group with a smuggled Bible.

Though Betsie died in that concentration camp, Corrie was released by what may have been a clerical error - saving her life and allowing her to go on helping others as well as teaching on prayer and forgiveness.

After the war, in recognition of her work, Corrie was knighted by the Queen of The Netherlands, and was honoured by Israel as Righteous Among the Nations - a title given to non-Jews who risked their lives to help Jews during the Second World War.

Speaking on Effectual Prayer, Corrie Ten Boom said, ‘There’s nothing too great for God’s power and nothing too small for God’s love. I learned that in the difficult class of life’s school. When you are in a difficult class then you learn much especially when the teacher is good. And my teacher was the Holy Spirit.’

In the same talk on Effectual Prayer Corrie told her audience about catching a cold whilst living in a concentration camp. Her sister Betsie told her to pray and ask God for help – Corrie laughed! Betsie however prayed for God to give Corrie a handkerchief. A simple, practical prayer. After she said ‘Amen’, a friend arrived and gave Corrie a gift of a handkerchief. “How in the world did you know that I needed a handkerchief?” Asked Corrie. Her friend replied, “There was a voice in my heart who said bring a handkerchief to Corrie Ten Boom.”

Corrie continued, “Can you understand what a handkerchief tells you in such a moment? That there is a Father in heaven who hears it when on a very small planet, the earth, some one of his children prays for an impossible small thing, for a hankie, and that Father in heaven tells one of his other children – give a hankie to Corrie Ten Boom. That is the foolishness of God. But the foolishness of God is the greatest wisdom and I’ve learned so much by that handkerchief.” *

In one of Peter’s letters, he encourages me to ‘Cast all [my] anxiety on [God] because he cares for [me]’ (1 Peter 5:7) Even in the midst of terrible suffering and great need, Corrie and her sister brought the simplest and most practical needs to God in prayer.

What anxieties or needs do I have today - large or small? Lord, I bring them to You and thank You that there’s nothing too great for Your power and nothing too small for Your love.

Pause and pray

Corrie Ten Boom spent much of her life talking about the power of forgiveness. After all she had experienced, she was still able to put God’s love into action by forgiving the person who betrayed her family.

Is there someone in my family or community who is struggling to forgive the actions or decisions of another? Maybe someone who has hurt them deeply.

Lord, I ask You to bring reconciliation where appropriate, and the freedom of forgiveness for all.

Pause and pray

Jesus encouraged the same, simple straightforward approach in prayer that Betsie Ten Boom encouraged Corrie to try... ‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you…’Matthew 7:7

God, I am deeply moved by the faith of Corrie and Betsie Ten Boom, even in the midst of a Nazi Concentration Camp. In all I face today, the celebrations, the challenges and everything in between - help me to remember that nothing is too great for Your power, and nothing is too small for Your love.


*Corrie Ten Boom - Effectual Fervent Prayer https://youtu.be/ALNIqJzUdjM

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About this Plan

The Three Loves

There are three great loves at the heart of Christianity: love for God, love for our neighbour and love for the lost. How can we put these loves into action, living out the two greatest commandments and the great commission very practically in our everyday lives?
