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Dating & The Single Mom: By Jennifer Maggioনমুনা

Dating & The Single Mom: By Jennifer Maggio

DAY 2 OF 5

Compromise happens when preparation and planning lacks.

If you’ve made it to day two of our devotional time together, then you’ve likely deciphered that you are healthy and ready to start dating, but the work doesn’t end there. Boundaries are a critical part of dating, and their importance cannot be overstated. Don’t wait to be head-over-heels for a guy before deciding what your boundaries will be. Too little too late. Pray about what you want from a relationship. Pray about what God wants for you and your children. Then, outline what boundaries align with that revelation.

Step 2 to dating as a single mom: Set Boundaries Early.

Your boundaries may look different from someone else’s, but they should always align with God’s word. Boundary establishment is about seeking the Lord and following his guidance. Scripture is filled with boundary establishment – what we can and cannot do, what we should and should not do as we live a life for Christ. For example, Galatians 5:13 teaches that we have been called into freedom with Christ Jesus. He paid so that we may have a wide-open, spacious, abundant life, but our freedom is not a license to sin or satisfy our sinful nature.

Establishing boundaries early helps us guard our hearts, minds, and physical bodies against potential danger. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few examples of boundaries that other moms have established that may help you get started with a list of your own:

  • Never be alone with a dating partner in your home.
  • Don’t initially introduce him to your kids. (Hint: You may be able to casually introduce him in a social setting, such as a church event, so that your children are able to interact with him without making a formal introduction.)
  • Avoid certain levels of physical touch.
  • Assess the number of times per week or month you date versus spend time with your children to establish a healthy balance.
  • Assess his character in group settings first. How does he handle himself in a group? Is he fun? Overly competitive? Kind and respectful of others?

Points to Ponder:

  • Why is it important to establish boundaries when dating?
  • Take the time to write down the top five boundaries you want to establish in a new dating relationship.
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About this Plan

Dating & The Single Mom: By Jennifer Maggio

Oh, the ol’ bugaboo of dating. The excitement of a new relationship is often eclipsed by the fear that you might be left broken, hurt, and disappointed - not to mention the potential of hurting your children! This five-day devotional was written for the single mom considering dating, starting to date, or even wondering if she should begin dating in this season of life. So, let’s jump right in. 
