What The Bible Says About Work: For New Graduatesনমুনা

The gospel tells us that every believer is a new creation and a child of God. It is out of this new identity that our sense of purpose and work flows. Knowing who we are is critical for knowing what we are called to do. The ability to discern our calling flows out of our relationship with the God who calls us.
God has spoken to us through the Scriptures and ultimately through his Son (see Hebrews 1:2). Not only that, but also the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit leads us into truth and helps us understand who we are in Christ and what we were created and redeemed to do.
Talk about calling is often reduced to the question, “What does God want me to do with my life?” Yet calling encompasses far more than just the answers to our questions about career and occupation. Calling concerns the whole of our lives.
Calling isn’t just a category for those who pursue some sort of formal ministry; it’s about God’s desire for all believers to live as ambassadors of his kingdom.
Most people try to look for the perfect job, one that not only lines up with their gifts and passions, but also gives them a deep sense of purpose and significance. In doing so, we are often tempted to see work as the source of our identity rather than the expression of it. But for the Christian, work is far more than simply a way to use our talents. Neither is work the ultimate marker of identity. It is a way for us to live out God’s call on our lives.
The word calling conjures up for a lot of people the idea of some mystical experience or a grand task to perform. But the truth is that calling applies to day-to-day life, not merely to “significant” or “spiritual” work. If we turn to God only during the big-decision moments of our lives, we forfeit the privilege of experiencing the Holy Spirit’s role of leading us day by day.
The greatest gift in being called is knowing the Caller. It is this intimate knowledge that provides the insight and wisdom we need to make important decisions—both small and large—in our lives.
About this Plan

This 5-day reading plan features devotions that help us understand how God has equipped us to live out our faith in all parts of our lives, including in the workplace. Readings are excerpted from the articles in the Faith & Work Bible by David H. Kim, Director for the Center for Faith and Work and editors at Christianity Today.