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Journey Through the Desertনমুনা

Journey Through the Desert

DAY 3 OF 9


Today we will look at the second part of the tempter’s approach.

“... command these stones to become loaves of bread.”

Jesus was hungry. Forty days was a long time. So the tempter suggests alleviating Jesus’ hunger. Surely, as the Son of God, this would be easy.

What happens to us when we are hungry?

Studies show that hunger increases our impulsiveness and reduces our ability to make long-term decisions.

Hunger is a legitimate need. Surely, God doesn’t want us to go hungry. Will you let hunger pangs cause you to take matters into your own hands? What do we do when there is no bread?

Let’s look at how the Israelites behaved when they ran out of food.

“And the whole congregation of the people of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness, and the people of Israel said to them, “Would that we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the meat pots and ate bread to the full, for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.” (Exodus 16:2-3)

They were ready to return to Egypt’s brutal slavery because they, too, had a moment where they doubted the goodness of God. Could it be that the same tempter had approached them too? Had God really led them out to die from hunger in the desert?

These were the same people who had left joyfully, ready for battle, and as time went on, doubt set in. The complaining began. Desperation started to set in.

Do you see yourself in the verses above? Do you grumble, do you complain, and begin to doubt God’s goodness? When the tempter offers a “suggestion,” what will your response be?

It would have been easy for Jesus to command the stones to turn into bread. However, Jesus knows who He is, and He knows His Father. He knows what “is written.” He knows that God provides for His children. Jesus was not about to deviate from His purpose for a loaf of bread.


  • What do you believe to be true about God?
  • Do you believe Him?
  • Have you ever doubted His goodness? His intentions towards you?

Take a moment to answer these questions for yourself. Take time to do a heart check.

What is the truth? What is the lie? What is the lesson?

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About this Plan

Journey Through the Desert

Jesus was led into the desert for 40 days and nights, and we get a front-row seat to the temptations He faced as His time in the desert came to an end. Over the next 9 days, let’s journey through the desert, taking time to examine the lessons found only in the desert. May we come out of the desert different from when we went in.
